Sunday, September 15, 2013

Getting down to the nitty-gritty

nit·ty-grit·ty  (nt-grt)
n. Informal
The specific or practical details; the heart of a matter.

My house is a mess. Plain and simple .... the plan..... clean, clean, clean.... and organize each room as I go.... I will post pictures as I go! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

I have really been missing, huh?

Most of my followers, friends, and family had probably given up on me writing on my blog again, but I have made a decision that I was happy and content to write on this page and I will do it again. I want to get back to a better connection with myself. Over the last couple of years I somehow lost me in all the chaos that has been my life.... no more! I will take my life back, place it back where it belongs - in the hands of the Father, and seek His purpose for my life. I will choose to be content, and full of joy.

So having said that and since my life is much different in things such as work, schedule and such I will be working on this blog over the next few months.... I plan on still posting about my faith, my day to day life, work, food, and all but I will be posting differently. I want this blog to be a reflection of me and where God is leading me. That being said, I will now give you a bit of the story behind the missing Traci.....

Sometimes in life you find yourself looking in the mirror and thinking "what has happened to the person I thought I was", that is me. I have been asking the mirror me just what happened. And without even thinking about it I answered myself.... I did this. I let things, schedules, and others lead me down the path I now find myself on walking slowly toward destruction. So I have shaken myself and will now start taking back my life, my relationships, and my time. I am tired of who I have let myself become. I will let God transform me daily into the person He wants me to be. I will reach out to others to be a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. I will schedule my time to be more efficient. I will take back me.

“Whoever desires to love life
    and see good days,
let him keep his tongue from evil
    and his lips from speaking deceit;
11 let him turn away from evil and do good;
    let him seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
    and his ears are open to their prayer. 1Peter 3:10-12

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving.... Day 23

Today I am thankful for my boss. I have worked for Rick for nearly 12 total years. He has been a truly great boss and yes, friend. There have been times that he really has gone above and beyond what a typical boss would do. We may not always agree on some things, but  truly  I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to work for him.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving.... Day 22

Today I am thankful for my husbands parents! Richard & Sue have been such a blessing to me. I am so thankful that they opened their arms to me when Eric and I married. Their love and support is something I will always treasure. And my love and respect for them simply goes beyond measure. Thank you Richard & Sue for not only giving me the best husband, but for making me truly feel a part of such a wonderful family.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving... Day21

Today I am thankful for laughter! It refreshes a person like nothing else can. It envelopes the brain like no other emotion, it releases chemicals in your body that helps you to relax, to reduce stress,  and it promotes better health. What a great gift from above! 

 In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
Khalil Gibran

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving... Day 20

I am so thankful for quiet mornings. Let's face it... a family of 6 with 2 pets, a full time job (where my name gets called about 4 thousand times a day for this or that), and well, just life that gets busy, sometimes overbooked and FULL..... can lead to a great need for cherished quiet moments. I find those moments in the early morning hours before the rest of my household get up for the day (with the exception of the cat). I get my Bible reading/study done, have time to check my email, facebook, and of course I have started back here blogging once more! Mornings are my 'me' time. The rest of the house is still in slumber and I find my day goes so much better if my day starts out with some quiet moments. Thank You, Lord, for my quiet mornings.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving... Day 19

Mia making presents in Russia
Today I am thankful for my Mia. She is my opinionated, talkative, height-deprived (thought of  new words for it, hard working, ever loving, sassy, beautiful as the day is long, child. For her beauty is not just skin deep, but flows from her very spirit. I have seen her give all that she has and mourn that she could give no more, watched her gladly minister to others even while she was in need, and I have seen her faith grow leaps and bounds while going through trials. She is a whiz in the kitchen and out on the soccer field, can out work most of the young men her age, and is always ready for the next adventure! I am so thankful for you my precious daughter!