Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday's IOW ~ roses and crowns

"They gave our Master a crown of thorns. Why do we hope for a crown of roses?"
~ Martin Luther ~

As I read the quote for this week I placed a picture (not much unlike the one above) in my mind of a rose... a thing of beauty...... and let my imagination form a crown. Oh how lovely and carefree it would feel to place such a crown on my head....so I again imagine placing this thing of beauty upon my brow. And that is when the pain comes.... sharp pricks from each thorn of the roses. My thoughts race back to Christ... is this the pain He felt as the soldiers set the crown of thorns upon my Saviors head? I quickly open my eyes and study the picture of the rose.... there on the stem are thorns..... often overlooked because of the beauty of the flower. But the thorns are there..... just as much a part of the rose as the bloom.

Think of how often we find joy here on this earth.... each day is full of blessings God bestows upon His children..... even in the midst of trials God wants to bless us. All we have to do is look to Him for that blessing. Will it come in the form we decide? No.... for God knows so much better than we – what it is we need.

Pro 28:20a A faithful man shall abound with blessings......

Is it wrong to ask for a crown of roses here in this world...... I think not..... as long as we are willing to endure the thorns as well.

Thanks to Iris at Sting My Heart for hosting this week.

And thanks to Karen's Whimsy for the rose image.


Anonymous said...

Yes He does bless us with roses along the journey too! What a good God we have.

Miriam Pauline said...

Lovely post. Thank you for sharing.

Denise said...

Such a beautiful post dear one.

lori said...

you are right, we can ask for that crown of roses...we just better be aware that it may come adorned with thorns as well..I like the way you said that!

peace today!

Judy said...

Sure thing link away. ha

eph2810 said...

Oh - I love your last sentence, especially the part "...as long as we are willing to endure the thorns as well." How beautifully put, Traci.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on last week's IOW quote.

Blessings to you and yours.