Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thinking of hard times.......

So, Denita had this quiz and I just had to take it too! Looks like we are neck and neck on the survival rate.Perhaps if we ever find ourselves in the middle of another depression we can put our heads together .........

You Are 72% Likely to Survive Another Great Depression

Even though you may not be expecting the worst, you're the type of person who prepares for the worst.

You live a relatively modest life. You don't overspend, and you aren't very materialistic.

You are also quite self sufficient and independent. You have many useful skills.

You can take care of yourself and those you love... which is crucial to surviving another Great Depression.


Michelle said...

Interesting quiz! I went and took it too. Thanks for sharing.

As Simply As We Can said...

Yeah, put us together and we make a whole person...