Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday's Word ~ Missions

Mat 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

We had a meeting last night with our friends Erik and Adrianne about the kids going back with them to Russia and working with them over there for some weeks. The initial thought was for them to be there with them for an entire 3 months.... however, with this being the first time that Travis and Mia will have traveled outside the US and taking into account the work schedule for Erik and Adrianne it has been decided that for this first trip they would only stay for 6 weeks. (I know several of our family members are going to like this much better than the 3

There is a partial list of things they are going to be helping Erik and Adrianne with while they are in Russia....

Work with the Church will include:

Helping with services (Travis)
Help with women's bible classes (Mia)
Help with children's classes (both)
Visit shut-in and the sick
Visiting a foster home in a nearby town.

Evangelism work will include:

Working in the public schools (teaching Bible lessons in English)
Help with handing out biblical materials
English conversation classes at the American Library
Visit a children's home in a nearby town
Benevolence work
English lessons on Thanksgiving & Christmas in America

Also they will be continuing their own education with Erik and Adrianne doing foreign studies, learning the Russian language, visiting some museums, going to the opera and other learning experiences.

We are praying that this is an eye opening trip for them and that they are blessed and become a blessing to those they meet in Russia and that they are a help to the work of the Church in Russia. Please keep us all in your prayers.

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