Friday, March 23, 2007

What a great day yesterday was! I got several loads of laundry hung out to dry in the great weather we are having, I got most of the office organized and went though the files and decluttered old ones and refiled and put away some newer ones that I had been procrastinating on (it felt so good to get that done) ... I got a free freezer (thanks again D... I love it!) and had a most wonderful time with family and friends for dinner. I had gotten two pork roasts on sale and put them in the crockpot and let them cook all night long and all day and when I was ready they pulled apart so well....made the best bar-b-que and I made baked beans and we had chips and I made a fruit topping for shortcakes. Great eats and wonderful company to share it with!!!

Well, the move is (Lord willing) in just over 2 months.... and I still have so much to do! My, I am starting to feel the time slip away! Eric is sending in an application and resume to the Technology Center for a Educational Asst. job (please pray this works out).... it would be a good job for him and he would do well in that setting. (Thankfully, over the last few months the migraines have become less and less.... I know that the experts say that stress really does not have much to do with triggering most migraines, but in Eric's case I think that they are wrong.... he seems to be doing so much better and the frequency of the migraines is much less.)

Today we are headed to the farm.... Eric and Travis are going to work on clearing more fence rows and then also work in the garden this weekend. I am going to go by the market and get seed potatoes and onion for the garden, I may even add a few peppers because I don't think we have any this year.... we are hoping for a good year with the garden.... and although I am banned from working in the garden (major allergies.... I was banned 2 years ago after a head to toe break out of hives after being in the garden for no more than 3 or 4 minutes.... Eric said no more and that he did not want me to develop any worse allergies) I am only allowed on the perimeter of the garden and have to stay well back, oh well, I can at least do the canning and freezing.

Well, I'm off to start the day and get the rest of the folks out of bed to start going.... I plan on taking my camera and taking pictures today! Be back to post some later!


Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dearest Traci,
I will pray for your family and DH's job oh what a blessing that would be. I am so glad you had such a wonderful dinner with family and friends . I so wish I was closer to you and D. so I could have dinner, tea and company in person. I love you both dearly. Have a great day at the farm. Congrats on the freezer ! D. You are so special.

Love and Hugs xoxxoxox

Angel ():) ( D)

Traci said...

Angel, I told Eric that same thing....that I think the only thing that could have made that more special was that if you and your family had been here too!