I want to share something that happened to me yesterday and thoughts on the event....
In the early afternoon yesterday I asked the kids to take some scraps out and put them in the garden (Eric will be tilling it up soon) but since Ripley (our dog) like any dog would have gone out and ate them I had told them not to let him out ( I don't like for him to eat the scraps) ...... anyway, a bit later he was all upset and standing by the door like he needed to go to the bathroom and as I was reaching for his collar to let him out on his line he slipped by me and got out..... I was not happy. So, I chase after him.... he in turns starts to run..... now I am getting angry because he is not listening to me.... I round the corner to the end of the house (because now he is in the scraps) and start to yell at him to get out of the scraps.... about that time he sees Granny's dog going through our yard with a good sized piece of stale bread in her mouth to feast on back home so he takes off after her.... and I take off after him because I want him to listen to me..... at this point I am really angry as I walk through the hay field instead of going around it to save time......
..................... as I get up to Granny's house her dog finds her way into her dog house to feast alone and Ripley sees me coming so he makes his way into Granny's garden (and I don't go into her garden.... allergies and all) so I am standing on the edge of the garden yelling at the dog to
come here! He is not cooperating ..... and I am even angrier by this time..... so, I take a deep breath and try another tactic.... I kneel down and call sweetly to him...... duh, here he comes...... just as I grab his collar.... I look down and what do I see.......... a
snake has slided up to me out of the garden! Its less than a foot away and I am still kneeling down at this point! So, after a heart attack, scream and a jump that would rival any world record holder ...... all that in a mere nanosecond to boot..... I take off running in the opposite direction..... which just happens to be around the back of granny's house...... as I run around the back side of the house, Granny comes out laughing, (she has only seen me screaming at the dog) thinking that she has seen me do something silly..... but when I told her about the snake she was not so inclined to laugh any longer...... I didn't even take the time to see what kind of snake it was!
Later (after I had calmed down quite a bit) I got to thinking of my actions..... you know , that is how so many today get caught by Satan. We are so caught up in what we want, what is going on in the world, and forgetting to be cautious on our journey here. Just like me letting my guard down because of my anger of not being obeyed by the dog. I let myself become so wrapped up in one thing, that I forgot to watch out for the dangers of living on a farm.
Proverbs has so many warnings....
If I had just remembered some of these verses.....
Proverbs 14:16-17A (ESV)
One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless. (17)
A man of quick temper acts foolishly........Proverbs 22: 3 (ESV)
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.(this must be something we need to take to heart.... for it is the same message as before....)
Proverbs 27: 12 (ESV)
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.The lesson I have come away with is to
never let my guard down. Watch out for the temptations to just go and not be ever cautious. Always put on the full armor of God when facing these temptations and to always look to Him as my refuge. Making
prudence an every day, every moment habit.