Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday's Fixin's....

Chocolate for Breakfast......

I don't make this very often (about once a month or two) but it is a real favorite around here and a purely Southern original. My kids go wild when they hear what is for breakfast on the mornings I make this .....

Chocolate Gravy & Biscuits
(now before anyone goes ...... ewwww! This is NOT made with grease!)

Now all of these measurements are approximate ..... around here we learn to cook from our mothers and grandmothers and they just throw it all together without measuring much of anything........

1cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
2 tablespoons cocoa
1can evaporated milk (but also have some regular milk on hand too)
1stick of butter
about a teaspoon or so of vanilla extract

Mix the first 2 ingredients in a saucepan and then stir in a can of evaporated
milk....begin to heat over medium heat.....add a stick of butter and stir often ....just about nonstop really.... I use a wisk....
(it will stick and get lumpy other wise)
once it starts thickening you can add reg. milk until it gets to the
consistency you like.....some like it thicker than others......just before serving stir in a bit of vanilla......
(you can substitute corn starch for the flour but use a little
less) ............
I have used both flour and cornstarch ..... if you use cornstarch, to me the gravy thickens faster and has a more mild chocolaty flavor over the flour.....

Experiment with it..... adding more cocoa will give it a rich dark chocolate taste.

Drop biscuits go well with this gravy ...... we love to crumble the biscuit up and pour the gravy over that..
I usually have scrambled eggs and bacon on the side of this early morning pleaser!

1 comment:

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Traci,
This sounds so good! I will have to try. Have a great weekend at farm. Sorry we missed our chat with tea was super busy past few days...
Will call next week.

Angel ():) (D.)