Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesdays Thoughts....

How wonderful it is to see the progress these last few weeks are making on the house. Nearly every box is now unpacked.... just a few odds and ends now to attend to on that note. And I am feeling more settled than I have in a very long time. We are working on a schedule and routine for all of us... our family seems to work out better that way. And I am now starting to really work towards decorating the house more. Its been so long since I have really put any heart and soul into making the place we live in feel like a retreat for my family. I miss that and hope to have that feeling back more and more in the next little bit. I know I have been promising photos to all my friends out in blog land and if you can just be patient with me for just a bit longer I promise to have a pic of each room of the house and more of the outside in the next few days!

Well, I am off to do a bit more.....


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're almost there Traci! I bet your new home will look fab by the time you're finished! I can't wait to see the pics!!

Love and hugs from across the pond,
Tina :)

Terri said...

Traci, I'm glad you're settling in. I'm in the process of packing up and moving so I can totally relate to what you've been through.
