Thursday, January 24, 2008
Still sick...
Here it is Thursday and we are still sick.... on top of the stuffy noses, sinus infections and ear infections we have had a stomach virus hit us this week also.... So far it has run its course through Amairs, Eric and Jed....I may have had a touch of it ..... not sure.... just not getting any sleep this week and feeling down too..... well, Jed is fretful again.... I'm off...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
We all have the sickies...
Yesterday we spent a big part of the day out in the cold moving some boxes into the new house (that is also cold because no electricity yet) and we wake this morning to the ubbbeeerrrr sickies ...... so I have called Eric's mom and dad to let them know we will not be at church this morning..... Eric did get up and shower ..... but he went right back to bed.... the only ones that feel like much of anything is me and the oldest 2 kiddos.... and we are still sick too..... Amaris is running a slight fever, Jed too and he had a rough night last night..... Mia still has the stuffies and is just now getting her voice back.... Travis has the stuffies and me.... losing my voice, sore throat, and the stuffies..... so we are staying in today.
At least I can get some stuff around here caught up and get some more packing done maybe.... maybe not.
At least I can get some stuff around here caught up and get some more packing done maybe.... maybe not.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Running a bit behind in our schedule...
The snow,sleet, mix rain that came through on Wednesday has put us a bit behind in our schedule for the house.... we now must wait until the ground dries enough for us to get the ditch dug for the electrical conduit to be put into place..... so we are looking at (hopefully) next week sometime to be able to move the beds in and live there! the mason is coming today and will enclose the west side and the front of the house and will leave the east side until after the electrician and inspectors are done to enclose the block there.
We have bought new door knobs and dead bolts for the front and back doors - so that when we do start moving stuff in the house we don't have to worry about who may have a key to the house. Well, we are getting excited and are soooooo ready to move into our new home!!!!!!
We have bought new door knobs and dead bolts for the front and back doors - so that when we do start moving stuff in the house we don't have to worry about who may have a key to the house. Well, we are getting excited and are soooooo ready to move into our new home!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Wednesday's Word
Psa 100:1-5 (NKJV) Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands! Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.
Good Morning...
n!!I have been awake for a bit... already showered and ready for the day.... and its just a bit after 6 AM.
The house is coming along fine. I am getting so excited about it ! The crew to come in and do the inside trim work came yesterday and finished! The block layer came yesterday and got a big start on the house.... almost the entire backside of the house is blocked in! Now we are waiting on the electric to get set ..... we have someone coming today to see the site and give us a bid on digging and setting up the electric for us (we are putting the electric underground). So, it should not be long now!!!!
I am going to run to the hardware store today and get another access door.... we are going to need a small one on the front of the house where Tony put in a main water cut off switch to the house and to get the dryer venting for under the house.... seems like everything is going together good!
I may be working at my mom and brother's restaurant today.... my brother, Tony, has been helping us get stuff done on the house (fixing the septic lines and running water lines so far) and he is going to be there to talk with the man about the electric (he used to work for him and said he would take care of it ... they are still friends). So, I will be at the restaurant while he is taking care of stuff at the house.
Well, gotta go get Jed up and going in a bit.... my very wonderful, great, ...... did I say wonderful? friend, Judy is going to watch Jed for me again today..... she has been so good to help me out with him during all this!
I will be back with more pictures and updates soon!
The house is coming along fine. I am getting so excited about it ! The crew to come in and do the inside trim work came yesterday and finished! The block layer came yesterday and got a big start on the house.... almost the entire backside of the house is blocked in! Now we are waiting on the electric to get set ..... we have someone coming today to see the site and give us a bid on digging and setting up the electric for us (we are putting the electric underground). So, it should not be long now!!!!
I am going to run to the hardware store today and get another access door.... we are going to need a small one on the front of the house where Tony put in a main water cut off switch to the house and to get the dryer venting for under the house.... seems like everything is going together good!
I may be working at my mom and brother's restaurant today.... my brother, Tony, has been helping us get stuff done on the house (fixing the septic lines and running water lines so far) and he is going to be there to talk with the man about the electric (he used to work for him and said he would take care of it ... they are still friends). So, I will be at the restaurant while he is taking care of stuff at the house.
Well, gotta go get Jed up and going in a bit.... my very wonderful, great, ...... did I say wonderful? friend, Judy is going to watch Jed for me again today..... she has been so good to help me out with him during all this!
I will be back with more pictures and updates soon!
Monday, January 14, 2008
A busy weekend too
WEll, my busy week was followed by a busy weekend as well..... Saturday we got a call that the siding crew was working on the house.... and we got the water lines dug (for the most part) although the ground was still a bit wet from the storms from Thursday..... and then Sunday we thought we might get to work some more on the lines but the ground was still wet. We had our niece's birthday party to go to.... and had to be back at the church building for the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes song practice (poor Mia is losing her voice and really could not practice much.)
Today is not going to be much quieter.... I am up and getting everyone out the door.... then I am waiting on a call from our block/sand/mortar supplier so that I can meet them to show them where I would like for them to drop the supplies and then the brick layer is supposed to be by sometime today and I will be working for Tony (my brother) at his restaurant so that he can finish with the water lines today...... busy,busy,busy.
Well, I am off to get dressed so that I can be ready to walk out the door.
Today is not going to be much quieter.... I am up and getting everyone out the door.... then I am waiting on a call from our block/sand/mortar supplier so that I can meet them to show them where I would like for them to drop the supplies and then the brick layer is supposed to be by sometime today and I will be working for Tony (my brother) at his restaurant so that he can finish with the water lines today...... busy,busy,busy.
Well, I am off to get dressed so that I can be ready to walk out the door.
Friday, January 11, 2008
busy busy busy
Well, it has been a busy week.... we had the house moved in on Monday and Tuesday the crew finished setting it. Then on Wednesday we had an afternoon meeting for our Web Design Group (the kids web pages are in my side bar) just before we had to send off the entry forms for Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes. And we had a the Teen Meal before Bible Study on Wednesday..... and then last night me and Mia went and did some babysitting for some good friends of ours..... We do hope you had a good time on your date David and Heather!!!
Today I have gone by and ordered the brick, sand and mortar for the block-layer this next week.... and getting things ready for Tony (my brother) to come in tomorrow and dig all the water lines, and check stuff out under the house. (I get to work for him at the restaurant for that) Other than all that I am in the process of getting all packed back up one last time and keping up with Jed daily..... oh, and some sick kiddos......
Well, check back in soon.
Blessings All!
Today I have gone by and ordered the brick, sand and mortar for the block-layer this next week.... and getting things ready for Tony (my brother) to come in tomorrow and dig all the water lines, and check stuff out under the house. (I get to work for him at the restaurant for that) Other than all that I am in the process of getting all packed back up one last time and keping up with Jed daily..... oh, and some sick kiddos......
Well, check back in soon.
Blessings All!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Well, Its here!
Sorry I missed posting yesterday.... we spent the day watching the crew bring in our house.... now we are really getting excited!

The older 3 kids wrote their names in the footers.
(and I did Jed's name... he was still a bit sick to be out in the cool air)

here they are pulling it in and getting ready to set it up...

Yeah! its set up! now just to get it all finished!
Now we have to get all the hook-ups (water, septic, and electric) and then get it blocked in.... won't be long now! Still praying that the weather holds!
(and I did Jed's name... he was still a bit sick to be out in the cool air)
here they are pulling it in and getting ready to set it up...
Yeah! its set up! now just to get it all finished!
Now we have to get all the hook-ups (water, septic, and electric) and then get it blocked in.... won't be long now! Still praying that the weather holds!
Friday, January 04, 2008
And the work begings.....
Well, the new house is gonna be here very soon! Yesterday there were 2 crews working.... one to put in our septic system and another to dig and pour the footers for the house..... I have lots of dirt piles right now!

So as you can see ..... lots of dirt ......
So as you can see ..... lots of dirt ......
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Holiday Pics
candy making fun...........
Jed helped....
"I was caught in a bow war"...... or "I'm the coolest present this year" ..... what do ya'll think?
Amaris is excited about a new crafting project for Christmas.....
Eric and his new friend the penguin massager.....
Eric's sis, Brianne, and her boyfriend Austin.......he's a keeper
Granny was enjoying the feast of goodies....
here are a couple of happy holiday feasters....actually they each grabbed a chair that Papa Rich was trying to set up for himself....
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Wednesday's Word
Mat 9:16 "No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year Everyone!
I know, I know .... I've not been on in like ..... forever.
So. Let me catch everyone up with what has been keeping me busy for the last six weeks.
We bought a house.... a double wide mobile home really, and are now in the process of getting it put on our land. We have been extremely busy at church with lots of new and new to us activities. And to be honest.... I have been so stressed lately I have been avoiding my blog for a bit.... not wanting to stop.... just needing a break. Well, that is the short version .......
Now here is the good stuff.....
As far as church activites.... well, I have taken on the responsibility of cleaning and organizing the Christian Service Center at our congregation.... making sure the kitchen areas and the workroom and gathering room are clean , stocked, and things are put in their place. It is a pretty big job and I have a wonderful friend that helps..... thanks Judy! I could not do it without you!
We have had several smaller gatherings and parties but the Saturday before Christmas our congregation at Lomax (along with several others in the community) had a community feast....... we had a great dinner put together (turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, gravy, cranberry sauce, dessert and drinks) and those in the community were welcome to share company with us at our CSC building or we had many volunteers delivering meals to those unable to get out for any reason. We fed close to 650 that evening!!!!! What a wonderful way the Lord is using our congregation. And we are already making ready for next years feast.
As far as getting ready for the new house to get here.... the paperwork was stalled at the lawyer's office for an extra week or so and it took a month to close..... but we finally signed all papers and are getting ready for all to get moved and done. So far, the water meter has been put in (that was a bit of an ordeal.... the the great guys at City Hall were very helpful )and all is well now. I meet with the engineer from MLEC in the morning to see about what we must do to get the electric taken care of once the home is moved in and set.... I am hoping we can get the power lines underground. And we are waiting on the last 2 bids for our septic system..... and praying for dry weather until all is done. (I will post pics over the next few days and weeks. )
I hope everyone out in blogland had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year...... did lots of celebrating and ate too much of course. Last night we watched Eric's baby sister's 3 boys so she and her husband could get away for a few hours (they were back by 10ish) then we sat up for a night long marathon of Planet of the Apes..... I know.... we are SUCH wild party seeking foggies........hey, the kids had a good time.
Well, I guess that will be all for now..... I will get some pics up soon and will be back here on a regular basis.
So. Let me catch everyone up with what has been keeping me busy for the last six weeks.
We bought a house.... a double wide mobile home really, and are now in the process of getting it put on our land. We have been extremely busy at church with lots of new and new to us activities. And to be honest.... I have been so stressed lately I have been avoiding my blog for a bit.... not wanting to stop.... just needing a break. Well, that is the short version .......
Now here is the good stuff.....
As far as church activites.... well, I have taken on the responsibility of cleaning and organizing the Christian Service Center at our congregation.... making sure the kitchen areas and the workroom and gathering room are clean , stocked, and things are put in their place. It is a pretty big job and I have a wonderful friend that helps..... thanks Judy! I could not do it without you!
We have had several smaller gatherings and parties but the Saturday before Christmas our congregation at Lomax (along with several others in the community) had a community feast....... we had a great dinner put together (turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, gravy, cranberry sauce, dessert and drinks) and those in the community were welcome to share company with us at our CSC building or we had many volunteers delivering meals to those unable to get out for any reason. We fed close to 650 that evening!!!!! What a wonderful way the Lord is using our congregation. And we are already making ready for next years feast.
As far as getting ready for the new house to get here.... the paperwork was stalled at the lawyer's office for an extra week or so and it took a month to close..... but we finally signed all papers and are getting ready for all to get moved and done. So far, the water meter has been put in (that was a bit of an ordeal.... the the great guys at City Hall were very helpful )and all is well now. I meet with the engineer from MLEC in the morning to see about what we must do to get the electric taken care of once the home is moved in and set.... I am hoping we can get the power lines underground. And we are waiting on the last 2 bids for our septic system..... and praying for dry weather until all is done. (I will post pics over the next few days and weeks. )
I hope everyone out in blogland had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year...... did lots of celebrating and ate too much of course. Last night we watched Eric's baby sister's 3 boys so she and her husband could get away for a few hours (they were back by 10ish) then we sat up for a night long marathon of Planet of the Apes..... I know.... we are SUCH wild party seeking foggies........hey, the kids had a good time.
Well, I guess that will be all for now..... I will get some pics up soon and will be back here on a regular basis.
family times,
From the Heart,
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