Mat 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
We had a meeting last night with our friends Erik and Adrianne about the kids going back with them to Russia and working with them over there for some weeks. The initial thought was for them to be there with them for an entire 3 months.... however, with this being the first time that Travis and Mia will have traveled outside the US and taking into account the work schedule for Erik and Adrianne it has been decided that for this first trip they would only stay for 6 weeks. (I know several of our family members are going to like this much better than the 3
There is a partial list of things they are going to be helping Erik and Adrianne with while they are in Russia....
Work with the Church will include:
Helping with services (Travis)
Help with women's bible classes (Mia)
Help with children's classes (both)
Visit shut-in and the sick
Visiting a foster home in a nearby town.
Evangelism work will include:
Working in the public schools (teaching Bible lessons in English)
Help with handing out biblical materials
English conversation classes at the American Library
Visit a children's home in a nearby town
Benevolence work
English lessons on Thanksgiving & Christmas in America
Also they will be continuing their own education with Erik and Adrianne doing foreign studies, learning the Russian language, visiting some museums, going to the opera and other learning experiences.
We are praying that this is an eye opening trip for them and that they are blessed and become a blessing to those they meet in Russia and that they are a help to the work of the Church in Russia. Please keep us all in your prayers.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday's Word ~ Missions
family times,
His Word,
Prayer List,
prayer request
Friday, October 09, 2009
Happy Birthday to.......
Me! Yep... today is my birthday. God has blessed me with 36 years of life as of today. And not only that He has blessed me with the man of my dreams, four wonderful children, a life full of people I love and so many more blessings I loose count so quickly!!!
Hoping all of my friends out in blogland have a wonderful day today!
Hoping all of my friends out in blogland have a wonderful day today!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Words of Wisdom.....
I read this and thought I would share......
" I once visited weaver's school, where the students were making beautiful patterns. I asked, 'When you make a mistake must you cut it out and start from the beginning?' A student said, 'No. Our teacher is such a great artist that when we make a mistake, he uses it to improve the beauty of the pattern."
That is what the Lord does with our mistakes. He is the greatest artist, but we must surrender. Surrender your blunders to the Lord. He can use them to make the pattern of your life more beautiful. -- Corrie ten Boom
I look back on my own life and see that this is so true for me. The mistakes I made as a young woman could have made my life such a ruin. It was not until I stopped and surrendered my life back to God that He could take the mistakes and weave a beautiful pattern I am just now getting a glimpse of several years later. God is the most able craftsman ..... to make beautiful the flaws that are in us.
" I once visited weaver's school, where the students were making beautiful patterns. I asked, 'When you make a mistake must you cut it out and start from the beginning?' A student said, 'No. Our teacher is such a great artist that when we make a mistake, he uses it to improve the beauty of the pattern."
That is what the Lord does with our mistakes. He is the greatest artist, but we must surrender. Surrender your blunders to the Lord. He can use them to make the pattern of your life more beautiful. -- Corrie ten Boom
I look back on my own life and see that this is so true for me. The mistakes I made as a young woman could have made my life such a ruin. It was not until I stopped and surrendered my life back to God that He could take the mistakes and weave a beautiful pattern I am just now getting a glimpse of several years later. God is the most able craftsman ..... to make beautiful the flaws that are in us.
Monday, October 05, 2009
The strength of a man consists in finding out the way God is going, and going that way. -- Henry Ward Beecher
In the book of Jeremiah, God says....
Jeremiah 29: 11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
When our biggest dream/goal/longing in life is to seek God's will for our lives and to walk in His light .... how quickly it is that we find true peace. God has a plan and purpose for each of us in this world. He wants us to have a wonderful future.... a future of hope and prosper. But we must also keep His words in perspective.... these words spoken through Jeremiah do not mean that God wants everyone to be rich, famous, and on top of the world.... no, Gods plans for us gives us hope and a future.... a future so amazing that the riches and fame of this world cannot compare. God wants us to seek Him with all our hearts.... with our strength find the way God is going and walk that way too..... seeking the plan He has for our life. Walking in His will day by day.... moment by moment ..... indulging in His goodness...................... And when we find ourselves walking on the path He sets before our feet ..... living our life in His will, His purpose..... Oh, the joy we find, the peace we encounter.... though trials may assault us.... we can really KNOW that God is there.... holding our hand.... giving us hope for a better tomorrow and a wonderful future through His son Jesus.
In the book of Jeremiah, God says....
Jeremiah 29: 11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
When our biggest dream/goal/longing in life is to seek God's will for our lives and to walk in His light .... how quickly it is that we find true peace. God has a plan and purpose for each of us in this world. He wants us to have a wonderful future.... a future of hope and prosper. But we must also keep His words in perspective.... these words spoken through Jeremiah do not mean that God wants everyone to be rich, famous, and on top of the world.... no, Gods plans for us gives us hope and a future.... a future so amazing that the riches and fame of this world cannot compare. God wants us to seek Him with all our hearts.... with our strength find the way God is going and walk that way too..... seeking the plan He has for our life. Walking in His will day by day.... moment by moment ..... indulging in His goodness...................... And when we find ourselves walking on the path He sets before our feet ..... living our life in His will, His purpose..... Oh, the joy we find, the peace we encounter.... though trials may assault us.... we can really KNOW that God is there.... holding our hand.... giving us hope for a better tomorrow and a wonderful future through His son Jesus.
From the Heart,
His Word,
Friday, September 25, 2009
just popping in...
Good Friday to all in blogland.... just popping in to say hello and that I am busy working away this weekend. Helping many people feel better during this flu/cold/allergy season!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Just have to share this...
last night I took Mia to the church building early for GIFTS class .... I stayed because I had some work on my bible study class to do and was going to work on the calendar some too.... I had finished my work in my classroom and decided to walk over to the church offices to do some work on the calendar.... but I forgot to get something so I walked back over to the church building.... I walk across the foyer (sp?) when something catches my eye.... I stop turn back and what do I see..... a snake loose in the foyer!!! AHAHHAHAHAHAH! The class come running and then we have half a dozen women and teenage girls squealing!!!! Needless to say..... Jeff Dye is the hero!!! He came when I called him and got rid of the snake!!! Life is never boring!!!
Its looking busy....

for us these next few months..... I was working on the calendar and with all the youth events, Lads to Leaders practices, work schedules and everyday things ..... we are pretty much booked solid from now until Easter. Goodness!!! But we really wouldn't have it any other way! We feel that we are truly blessed with being able to work so much with our children and other youth as much as we do!!
family times,
Thankful Thurday
Sunday, September 13, 2009
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Eph 2:10
This makes me think of the story of the cracked vessel..... ever heard it....
There was an old man that had to walk to get his water.... each day he would take a yoke and go down to the water source (about 1/2 mile away ) and get water. One of the vessels on the yoke had a crack in it and leaked water...... after some time of watching him do this his neighbor complained that he should replace the cracked vessel..... but the man asked the neighbor to walk with him the next time he went for water...... on the way the neighbor noticed that one side of the path was a wonderful little garden... flowers so beautiful ...... and commented on the garden. The old man smiled and kept walking.... on the way home the neighbor noticed that the water leaking from the cracked pot was watering the garden....... now he understood why the old man used the cracked pot...
We are like that cracked pot..... even with our flaws God can still use us!!!
This makes me think of the story of the cracked vessel..... ever heard it....
There was an old man that had to walk to get his water.... each day he would take a yoke and go down to the water source (about 1/2 mile away ) and get water. One of the vessels on the yoke had a crack in it and leaked water...... after some time of watching him do this his neighbor complained that he should replace the cracked vessel..... but the man asked the neighbor to walk with him the next time he went for water...... on the way the neighbor noticed that one side of the path was a wonderful little garden... flowers so beautiful ...... and commented on the garden. The old man smiled and kept walking.... on the way home the neighbor noticed that the water leaking from the cracked pot was watering the garden....... now he understood why the old man used the cracked pot...
We are like that cracked pot..... even with our flaws God can still use us!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Good Day .....Thursday's Thoughts
Oh, how I miss sitting at my computer in the mornings planning out the day. Now I sit here, reading through my email, facebook and blogs that I like to keep up with before I wisk away to a job that really has no way to plan for it..... its unpredictable..... always different..... no day is the same. Well, there are a few things that don't change.... but when you are dealing with the public ...... the SICK public.... well lets just say some days are an adventure.
God has shown me that although I really cannot plan my work day He is there with me..... when the day is hectic and chaotic .... He is my peace. When the day is full of trouble and heartache.... He is my comfort. When the day is long and hard ...... He is my resting place. There is no other like HIM .... He is all that I need and always there to be what I need. Every day is a Good Day with God.
God has shown me that although I really cannot plan my work day He is there with me..... when the day is hectic and chaotic .... He is my peace. When the day is full of trouble and heartache.... He is my comfort. When the day is long and hard ...... He is my resting place. There is no other like HIM .... He is all that I need and always there to be what I need. Every day is a Good Day with God.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
hello out there!
Goodness! I find that working full time (and sharing the laptop with Eric) has really caused me to fall far, far behind on posting here on the blog. So, here is an update....
Eric's garden has produced so much this year! We have been so blessed with a wonderful harvest!
Onions, corn, summer squash, zuchinni, winter squash, okra, snap beans, lima beans, popcorn, and decorative gourds..... we have put up so much it is wonderful!!!
We have sent off for Travis and Mia's passports. We are still praying that the trip to Russia is in God's will for them! They are still very excited to have the opportunity.
School has started and the kids are off to a great start. Eric has turned into a wonder at the teaching!!!
Travis has turned 16.... when did my first start growing into manhood???? Time goes so quickly!
Well, I'm off to get some rest. It was a very, very busy day at the pharmacy today!!!
Eric's garden has produced so much this year! We have been so blessed with a wonderful harvest!
Onions, corn, summer squash, zuchinni, winter squash, okra, snap beans, lima beans, popcorn, and decorative gourds..... we have put up so much it is wonderful!!!
We have sent off for Travis and Mia's passports. We are still praying that the trip to Russia is in God's will for them! They are still very excited to have the opportunity.
School has started and the kids are off to a great start. Eric has turned into a wonder at the teaching!!!
Travis has turned 16.... when did my first start growing into manhood???? Time goes so quickly!
Well, I'm off to get some rest. It was a very, very busy day at the pharmacy today!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Work pics
So, thought ya'll might like to see what it is I am doing now.....
Here is the front of the Pharmacy....

That is Diane... she is our front end manager... if it's on the floor... she knows it!

The front door....

And the pharmacy....

Our filling station....

The drug walls....

And me at the computer station....
Here is the front of the Pharmacy....

That is Diane... she is our front end manager... if it's on the floor... she knows it!

The front door....

And the pharmacy....

Our filling station....

The drug walls....

And me at the computer station....

Monday, July 13, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Praising God....
One of my "adopted" sons (Travis's best friend) accepted Christ today and was baptized. I spent time on the phone with his mother as she waited on a call from the camp so that she could hear the event! What a blessing!!!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Just a little hello...
The last two weeks I have been working full force... everyone is taking vacations so my schedule has reflected that. We are working hard to get some debt off of us (final payment is this month!) and then we are looking at putting back the money to get the passports for Travis, Mia and Eric for the trip to Russia. Also on the to do list is getting the school year set up ... we will have TWO in high school grades this year!! Goodness!
Well, gotta go... off to work.
Well, gotta go... off to work.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Gen 45:5 And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.
Gen 45:6 For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are yet five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvest.
Gen 45:7 And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors.
Gen 45:8 So it was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt.
One of the greatest difficulties in life is being unable to see God in everything. Life's circumstances so often may cause us to ask where is God.... but the fact is.... God is right there.... beside you ... holding your hand... or even carrying you through hard times. Just as God meant the circumstances of Joseph's life for good..... So God means the circumstances of our lives (His Children) in the same manner. Don't be discouraged by what you are going through, God is with you each step you take. Learn to surrender to His will for your life. He is always looking out for us, He is always there ready to open His arms and hold us close... letting us rest our surrendered heart.
Gen 45:6 For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are yet five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvest.
Gen 45:7 And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors.
Gen 45:8 So it was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt.
One of the greatest difficulties in life is being unable to see God in everything. Life's circumstances so often may cause us to ask where is God.... but the fact is.... God is right there.... beside you ... holding your hand... or even carrying you through hard times. Just as God meant the circumstances of Joseph's life for good..... So God means the circumstances of our lives (His Children) in the same manner. Don't be discouraged by what you are going through, God is with you each step you take. Learn to surrender to His will for your life. He is always looking out for us, He is always there ready to open His arms and hold us close... letting us rest our surrendered heart.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Garden pics... a day late

Sorry about not posting yesterday... just about everyone here woke with a massive headache and not feeling well yesterday. I did not even turn on my computer monitor.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
So much going on....
Goodness the time has flown since I was on here last!
June has been a busy month. I'm working all the hours I can to support the family. Eric and the kids have put in 2 nice sized garden spots (will take some pics to load tomorrow!) and we have been busy with church activities as well! The older 3 just got back from a week at Mid-South Youth Camp (and 2 of the girls in our youth group were baptized into Christ! Whoohooo!) they have had so many stories to tell the last couple of days. Next Sunday Travis and Mia are headed off to Horizons and Travis is interning with our Preacher again this summer (he preaches the Sunday PM services on July 26th). Whew! And then there is so much else going on as well.... we are in touch with our friends in Russia about Travis and Mia going there... still not sure when, but they are both set on going in the next year! We were just informed in this morning's Bible Class that our next Mission Trip may be to New York City. (that is the plan for now... we will see)
Here at the house we are working to get the last of a large debt off of us (it will be paid off at the end of July if all goes according to plan! Yipee!) That will free us up some on our income. We are hoping to be able to get the passports needed for the Russia Trip in August. Then with our extra debt paid we are hoping to start building an emergency fund once again!!! Whoohooo!
I hope to post more now that I am having more time and my schedule at work is finally getting a routine to it. I was not able to walk to work as much as I had wanted due to weather... lots of rain then now its sooooo hot!!! Whew!!! But I am still glad that I am just about a mile from home..... in case I do need to walk in the morning or in the evening. Work is going well. I have picked back up on just about everything. Thankfully, none of the software had changed and it was much easier to get back onto the swing of things than I had thought would be the case. I do have to work long days (9 hours of standing is long no matter what you do I say!) but my body and mind are now getting back into the
Well, I'm off. I will post again tomorrow... gotta show off that garden!
June has been a busy month. I'm working all the hours I can to support the family. Eric and the kids have put in 2 nice sized garden spots (will take some pics to load tomorrow!) and we have been busy with church activities as well! The older 3 just got back from a week at Mid-South Youth Camp (and 2 of the girls in our youth group were baptized into Christ! Whoohooo!) they have had so many stories to tell the last couple of days. Next Sunday Travis and Mia are headed off to Horizons and Travis is interning with our Preacher again this summer (he preaches the Sunday PM services on July 26th). Whew! And then there is so much else going on as well.... we are in touch with our friends in Russia about Travis and Mia going there... still not sure when, but they are both set on going in the next year! We were just informed in this morning's Bible Class that our next Mission Trip may be to New York City. (that is the plan for now... we will see)
Here at the house we are working to get the last of a large debt off of us (it will be paid off at the end of July if all goes according to plan! Yipee!) That will free us up some on our income. We are hoping to be able to get the passports needed for the Russia Trip in August. Then with our extra debt paid we are hoping to start building an emergency fund once again!!! Whoohooo!
I hope to post more now that I am having more time and my schedule at work is finally getting a routine to it. I was not able to walk to work as much as I had wanted due to weather... lots of rain then now its sooooo hot!!! Whew!!! But I am still glad that I am just about a mile from home..... in case I do need to walk in the morning or in the evening. Work is going well. I have picked back up on just about everything. Thankfully, none of the software had changed and it was much easier to get back onto the swing of things than I had thought would be the case. I do have to work long days (9 hours of standing is long no matter what you do I say!) but my body and mind are now getting back into the
Well, I'm off. I will post again tomorrow... gotta show off that garden!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
To Russia...
Hello all, I just have to tell you about this!!! We have some good friends that are missionaries in Russia... and they have asked that Travis and Mia join them for 3 months! The kids would learn about mission work, all about a new culture and so much more! The kids are excited and nervous too! But the excitement and the sheer greatness of such an opportunity are outweighing the nervousness a bit.... they really want to do this. Please join us in prayer that this is in God's will for them.
family times,
Prayer List,
prayer request
Friday, June 05, 2009
Mission Trip Update...
Well, I got to talk with Mia last night and she said that they are having a good time .... they did not get to start on the painting of the church building yesterday because it drizzled all day but they are going to work on that today. The group did go out to Cane Ridge yesterday and she said it was great and that most of the guys lead singing from the huge pulpit there... I wish I could have seen Travis do that!! I was also told by 2 different adults that Travis and Mia are doing a wonderful job and that they are good examples. Mia said the services last night consisted of about 15 or so of the regular members and then our group of nearly 40... she said the teenager class was filled only with our bunch because they don't really have any families with teens that attend. She is hoping that what they are doing this week will interest some of the teens in the area and that some will show up for tonight.
I'll get to speak with Travis some time today.... I am looking forward to it... I miss them but I know that this was so important for them! I am one proud momma!
Please keep out Mission Trip in your prayers!
I'll get to speak with Travis some time today.... I am looking forward to it... I miss them but I know that this was so important for them! I am one proud momma!
Please keep out Mission Trip in your prayers!
family times,
From the Heart,
Prayer List,
prayer request
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Thursday Thoughts...
Proverbs 3:26 For the LORD will be your confidence,
And will keep your foot from being caught.
Just what is confidence? Well, Merriam Webster states...
1 a: a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstancesconfidence confidence<> b: faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way confidence in a leader> 2: the quality or state of being certain : certitude confidence of success> 3 a: a relation of trust or intimacy confidence<> b: reliance on another's discretion confidence> c: support especially in a legislative body confidence
Have you got confidence? As Christians we are assured confidence... God is our confidence! As children of God we can rely on our circumstances (we are saved through Christ), we have faith or belief that God is always going to act for our benefit in an loving and effective way (even if we don't always like or understand the way He accomplishes it) ... and we can be certain that we will be united with Christ! I would say ...... now that is some confidence!
But it goes farther than that... not only is God our confidence but He will keep us from falling into a trap, you know ... temptation. When we rely on God's discretion for our lives and have an unfailing intimate relationship with God and trust Him to know what is best for us (we are back to having confidence again...) then He keeps us safe in His will. What a wonderful cycle to be caught up in!!!!
And will keep your foot from being caught.
Just what is confidence? Well, Merriam Webster states...
1 a: a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances
Have you got confidence? As Christians we are assured confidence... God is our confidence! As children of God we can rely on our circumstances (we are saved through Christ), we have faith or belief that God is always going to act for our benefit in an loving and effective way (even if we don't always like or understand the way He accomplishes it) ... and we can be certain that we will be united with Christ! I would say ...... now that is some confidence!
But it goes farther than that... not only is God our confidence but He will keep us from falling into a trap, you know ... temptation. When we rely on God's discretion for our lives and have an unfailing intimate relationship with God and trust Him to know what is best for us (we are back to having confidence again...) then He keeps us safe in His will. What a wonderful cycle to be caught up in!!!!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
just a quick hello...
Really, I just wanted to drop by and let everyone know I am still around.... tomorrow we send off our oldest 2 children (Travis and Mia) on their first Mission Trip. It will be here in the U.S. at a church that our congregation supports in the Appalachian Mt. area of Kentucky. They will be doing some painting of the Church's building and community service projects during the day and then at night help with a sort of VBS type service at night. They are very excited about going and are working hard to get things done here at home to help Mom and Dad out while they are gone.
Please pray that everyone going on the Mission Trip will be safe and that the Lord will bless the work done in His name!
Really, I just wanted to drop by and let everyone know I am still around.... tomorrow we send off our oldest 2 children (Travis and Mia) on their first Mission Trip. It will be here in the U.S. at a church that our congregation supports in the Appalachian Mt. area of Kentucky. They will be doing some painting of the Church's building and community service projects during the day and then at night help with a sort of VBS type service at night. They are very excited about going and are working hard to get things done here at home to help Mom and Dad out while they are gone.
Please pray that everyone going on the Mission Trip will be safe and that the Lord will bless the work done in His name!
family times,
prayer request,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
pharmacy thoughts....
Okay everyone I have now been back to work for over 2 months... goodness time goes by quickly!
Now, I have a few things that I wish to say about pharmacy.... (sorry if I step on any toes)
First thing is that unless it is an emergency I believe you should only get your meds filled at ONE pharmacy ever. You should pick a pharmacy with Pharmacists and staff that you are comfortable with and trust and stick with them. Trying to save a few dollars here and there by switching pharmacies every other month is not worth it in the long run. Pharmacists need to be able to have a ready and ample drug profile for you so that they can help your doctors in your health care. When you constantly move your prescriptions to save a few dollars then you are at risk for some problems with drug interactions that Pharmacy "A" fills for you and the drug that Pharmacy "B" filled for you today because both Pharmacies do not have the full data required to see the possibility for problems between the drugs. Why risk your health? Build up a good relationship with your Pharmacy. Talk to the staff. Let the Pharmasist know what over the counter medications you are taking as well... including any herbal or natural medications. Let the pharmacist know of ALL your allergies. Some drugs are processed with peanut oil so it is important that a pharmacy have all of your allergies on file. If it is the money ... well, those that have insurances will always get the same co-pays not matter what pharmacy you use. And many pharmacies now are going to match prices with their competitors that it is not really an issue at the majority of pharmacies.
Second on my list of thoughts today is that getting your precription filled is not like driving up to a fast food resturant. We all know that it would be nice .... but hey, filling a precription order is not at all like filling an order for a burger and fries!!! Most pharmacies can get your prescriptions done in a fairly short time (about 15 to 20 minutes) however, there are issues that do make that time frame a bit longer. Insurance issues, clarifiying the prescription with the prescriber, high volume of traffic in the pharmacy, perhaps the pharmacy is low on staff.... any number of reasons that it may take more than the short amount of time you are willing to wait. If the prescription is something other than an emergency or needed for someone who is extremely sick, then standing and glowering at the staff because they are trying to get in touch with your insurance company to see why your new blood pressure medications is costing more than your card says your co-pays should be is not going to help. Believe me when I say the co-pays are not set by pharmacies.... if you have insurance that is who is setting the co-pay. Oh, and for refills.... well, use the automated line whenever possible.... it is okay to give refills to the technicians... for that you don't need to talk directly to a Phamacsist (techs do most of the filling these days anyway.), and give a full 24 hours before you pick up refills whenever possible. Keep track of your refills and how low you are getting on your meds.... most doctors will take refill requests for medications from phamacies, however they may (and in most cases do) require a 24 hour notice for that too. So call your refills in a day or two before you run out of meds. Don't blame the pharmacy and staff if the doctor has not called in your refill. They cannot control if your doctor calls or not.
Wow, guess I had more to say than I thought. I guess the gist of everything is that you should build a good relationship with your pharmacy. They are an important part of your providers in health care.
Now, I have a few things that I wish to say about pharmacy.... (sorry if I step on any toes)
First thing is that unless it is an emergency I believe you should only get your meds filled at ONE pharmacy ever. You should pick a pharmacy with Pharmacists and staff that you are comfortable with and trust and stick with them. Trying to save a few dollars here and there by switching pharmacies every other month is not worth it in the long run. Pharmacists need to be able to have a ready and ample drug profile for you so that they can help your doctors in your health care. When you constantly move your prescriptions to save a few dollars then you are at risk for some problems with drug interactions that Pharmacy "A" fills for you and the drug that Pharmacy "B" filled for you today because both Pharmacies do not have the full data required to see the possibility for problems between the drugs. Why risk your health? Build up a good relationship with your Pharmacy. Talk to the staff. Let the Pharmasist know what over the counter medications you are taking as well... including any herbal or natural medications. Let the pharmacist know of ALL your allergies. Some drugs are processed with peanut oil so it is important that a pharmacy have all of your allergies on file. If it is the money ... well, those that have insurances will always get the same co-pays not matter what pharmacy you use. And many pharmacies now are going to match prices with their competitors that it is not really an issue at the majority of pharmacies.
Second on my list of thoughts today is that getting your precription filled is not like driving up to a fast food resturant. We all know that it would be nice .... but hey, filling a precription order is not at all like filling an order for a burger and fries!!! Most pharmacies can get your prescriptions done in a fairly short time (about 15 to 20 minutes) however, there are issues that do make that time frame a bit longer. Insurance issues, clarifiying the prescription with the prescriber, high volume of traffic in the pharmacy, perhaps the pharmacy is low on staff.... any number of reasons that it may take more than the short amount of time you are willing to wait. If the prescription is something other than an emergency or needed for someone who is extremely sick, then standing and glowering at the staff because they are trying to get in touch with your insurance company to see why your new blood pressure medications is costing more than your card says your co-pays should be is not going to help. Believe me when I say the co-pays are not set by pharmacies.... if you have insurance that is who is setting the co-pay. Oh, and for refills.... well, use the automated line whenever possible.... it is okay to give refills to the technicians... for that you don't need to talk directly to a Phamacsist (techs do most of the filling these days anyway.), and give a full 24 hours before you pick up refills whenever possible. Keep track of your refills and how low you are getting on your meds.... most doctors will take refill requests for medications from phamacies, however they may (and in most cases do) require a 24 hour notice for that too. So call your refills in a day or two before you run out of meds. Don't blame the pharmacy and staff if the doctor has not called in your refill. They cannot control if your doctor calls or not.
Wow, guess I had more to say than I thought. I guess the gist of everything is that you should build a good relationship with your pharmacy. They are an important part of your providers in health care.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm so excited!!!
My very best friend Denita is moving just across town! They will be here this weekend!!! I am so excited!!! I have missed her so very much!!! I cannot wait until she is over here! Whoohoo!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
more about my job....
I have to say I was very blessed to return to my former place of work. I live just about a mile from work, and when the weather is nice I walk to work. It saves money on helping me to get back into some sort of shape other that a rolly polly (lol).... and it gives me time to myself for the 10 or so minutes it takes me to walk it. I am working between 35 and 40 hours weekly now and it is some long 9 hour days on my feet. So these last couple of months I have really been a zombie by the time I get home in the evenings! I am getting used to the pace once again and feel I am gaining endurance! LOL.
I do take my job very seriously, I mean we are dealing with people and their lives in pharmacy work. I try to give my best at each moment I am working. And like I told Eric, if I have to work... there is nothing I would rather be doing. I like being a pharmacy tech.
Now, for a bit of bragging on my family... Eric and the kids have been so wonderful. Eric has taken over the homeschooling of the kids and the day to day stuff of the house. The kids have taken on more chores and have been great! I feel so much less stress knowing that it is all being taken care of since I cannot do it all any longer. I have such a wonderful family!!!
Well, I'm off to finish getting ready for work.... hope everyone has a great day!
I do take my job very seriously, I mean we are dealing with people and their lives in pharmacy work. I try to give my best at each moment I am working. And like I told Eric, if I have to work... there is nothing I would rather be doing. I like being a pharmacy tech.
Now, for a bit of bragging on my family... Eric and the kids have been so wonderful. Eric has taken over the homeschooling of the kids and the day to day stuff of the house. The kids have taken on more chores and have been great! I feel so much less stress knowing that it is all being taken care of since I cannot do it all any longer. I have such a wonderful family!!!
Well, I'm off to finish getting ready for work.... hope everyone has a great day!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
hey there....
Well since I spent most of last week on the Convention for Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes, I thought I would tell everyone today about work.....
I have gone back into the workforce as many of you now know.... I was thrilled to find that my former boss was in need of help in the pharmacy.... and so now I am working there again. I had let my certification as a technician lapse 3 years ago thinking I would not have need for it.... right...
So, that was a priority for me once I started working once more. I had purchased a review manual from Tech Lectures (Joe, I hope you don't mind the ad) and was thrilled that I had retained so much of the needed knowledge in my head!(by the way Joe, the manual is great!) Overall I studied a good month but did not do any real intensive studies until after we got back from convention and I had set my test date. I took a good 2 weeks of studying nightly after work and in any free time I found myself in and then headed off for the test. ....... Let me just say that wow! I was impressed with the new testing procedures. I liked that the test can be taken just about any time now... instead of the 3 or 4 times yearly that was the norm before. I also liked the fact that I was not crammed in a room full of 30 or more testers all testing for the same thing.... the testing facility that I took my test in this time was great! Quiet. Professional. And even though I was a bit nervous ... especially after the first few questions were a bit scary (lol) I got through with the test in under the amount of time given and had plenty of time to review my answers before finishing the test.
And then finding out if you pass or fail there on the spot was great.... I passed, by the way!
Now, I am a fully functioning Certified Pharmacy Technician once again!
I have gone back into the workforce as many of you now know.... I was thrilled to find that my former boss was in need of help in the pharmacy.... and so now I am working there again. I had let my certification as a technician lapse 3 years ago thinking I would not have need for it.... right...
So, that was a priority for me once I started working once more. I had purchased a review manual from Tech Lectures (Joe, I hope you don't mind the ad) and was thrilled that I had retained so much of the needed knowledge in my head!(by the way Joe, the manual is great!) Overall I studied a good month but did not do any real intensive studies until after we got back from convention and I had set my test date. I took a good 2 weeks of studying nightly after work and in any free time I found myself in and then headed off for the test. ....... Let me just say that wow! I was impressed with the new testing procedures. I liked that the test can be taken just about any time now... instead of the 3 or 4 times yearly that was the norm before. I also liked the fact that I was not crammed in a room full of 30 or more testers all testing for the same thing.... the testing facility that I took my test in this time was great! Quiet. Professional. And even though I was a bit nervous ... especially after the first few questions were a bit scary (lol) I got through with the test in under the amount of time given and had plenty of time to review my answers before finishing the test.
And then finding out if you pass or fail there on the spot was great.... I passed, by the way!
Now, I am a fully functioning Certified Pharmacy Technician once again!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
More Convention Pics...
Mia is so funny.... she is so spontaneous .... waiting for the awards ceremony to start!

Here Mia and my niece, Emma, are just waking from sleeping out on the balcony... 5 stories up!

These next few pics are of the kids artwork they did (and won ribbons for too!) for the LLL Convention.
Travis' 2nd place painting (watercolor)
Amaris' 3rd place painting.
And Mia's 3rd place drawing and her 1st place photo... yep that is a big ugly bandaged toe!

Here Mia and my niece, Emma, are just waking from sleeping out on the balcony... 5 stories up!

These next few pics are of the kids artwork they did (and won ribbons for too!) for the LLL Convention.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Convention Pics....
Here is the wonderful views from our hotel room balconies.....

We were so wowed by the views!

Travis and his finalist trophy for Lad's Speech....

Mia and her 3rd place Audio Speech trophy.

Amaris and her 3rd place ribbon for painting!
Travis was one of the 2 students that was voted by the congregation to be the bearers of the banner for the Parade of Leaders on the opening awards ceremony.... its based on who shows the most leadership qualities for the year.... here we (me and Travis) along with Mylie and Nycelle (Nycelle was the other student voted for the Parade of Leaders) pictured with the Founder of the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes Program, Dr Zorn! That was exciting!

We were so wowed by the views!

Travis and his finalist trophy for Lad's Speech....

Mia and her 3rd place Audio Speech trophy.

Amaris and her 3rd place ribbon for painting!
Travis was one of the 2 students that was voted by the congregation to be the bearers of the banner for the Parade of Leaders on the opening awards ceremony.... its based on who shows the most leadership qualities for the year.... here we (me and Travis) along with Mylie and Nycelle (Nycelle was the other student voted for the Parade of Leaders) pictured with the Founder of the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes Program, Dr Zorn! That was exciting!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009
LLL Convention...
This year we had such a great time! We were asked to take charge of the Food Room (an extra room the congregation pays for for the LLL group to gather and eat to help our budgets) and it was quite and honor to do this service. The kids were so helpful with the loading and unloading of the supplies... and it was a success this year for us!
The kids earned the following awards at Convention this year....
2nd place with his painting
3rd place in Song Leading
Bronze medal in Good Samaratin (points are earned all year long)
3rd place with her drawing
1st place with her photo
3rd place in audio speech (recorded speech)
2nd place in Leaderettes Speech
Level 1 in G.I.F.T.S. class (year long classes)
Gold medal in Good Samaratin
3rd place with her painting
participation award in Good Samaratin
Travis and Mia were also on the Group Scrapbook and it took 1st place in the Winner's Circle.
The weekend was fantastic... we had the best rooms we have ever had while there... 5th floor balcony rooms overlooking the Delta Island shops.... it was nice! The kids were so great, helpful to others and supportive of each other and others in the group. We were so blessed and thankful for a wonderful weekend!
Tomorrow I will show some pictures!
The kids earned the following awards at Convention this year....
2nd place with his painting
3rd place in Song Leading
Bronze medal in Good Samaratin (points are earned all year long)
3rd place with her drawing
1st place with her photo
3rd place in audio speech (recorded speech)
2nd place in Leaderettes Speech
Level 1 in G.I.F.T.S. class (year long classes)
Gold medal in Good Samaratin
3rd place with her painting
participation award in Good Samaratin
Travis and Mia were also on the Group Scrapbook and it took 1st place in the Winner's Circle.
The weekend was fantastic... we had the best rooms we have ever had while there... 5th floor balcony rooms overlooking the Delta Island shops.... it was nice! The kids were so great, helpful to others and supportive of each other and others in the group. We were so blessed and thankful for a wonderful weekend!
Tomorrow I will show some pictures!
Monday, May 04, 2009
okay.... now to play catch-up....
Hello all out in blogland.... I have been going back and forth with myself about keeping my blog up and running these last few weeks since I have gone back to work... and after talking with Eric, I will keep it up... his voice was the deciding vote... he told me today that he really liked me having a blog and liked that he could read it because it gave him great insight to me.. his wife. I had never thought of it that way... he told me that there were things he learned from me putting it down in words that he would not have known otherwise. He encouraged me to keep it up! So I am going to be on here as much as I can....
Now.... for the next few days I will be blogging about the last few weeks playing catch-up for everyone....
Oh, and for everyone out there .... I passed my Certification Test! I am once again a CPhT!
Now.... for the next few days I will be blogging about the last few weeks playing catch-up for everyone....
Oh, and for everyone out there .... I passed my Certification Test! I am once again a CPhT!
Monday, April 06, 2009
I'm still about...
Hello there all out in blogland... just wanted you all to know that I am still kicking.... and have survived the first 3 weeks of working again. whew! The changes to our schedule are still sinking in and this week we are leaving for our Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes Convention so I may not post any until we get back ... I'll be sure to post lots of pics!
Just wanted everyone to know that we are doing fine and that we are just very busy right now with everything.... I'll post again next week!
Just wanted everyone to know that we are doing fine and that we are just very busy right now with everything.... I'll post again next week!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Today is the day....
..... I start work. I will be working at the same pharmacy that I worked at before and I am hoping it all comes back to me. I am also studying to re-take my pharmacy tech certification test again... cause I let it lapse. So, I will be taking the test shortly after we come back from Lads to Leaders Convention next month.
Please pray for us during this time of great transition for us... me at work, Eric now taking over the homeschooling of the children and the running of the house.... along with studying for his own exams and the start-up of a new business....
Thanks to all of you wonderful friends that have said/sent words of encouragement over the last few weeks, it really has meant so much to us.
Please pray for us during this time of great transition for us... me at work, Eric now taking over the homeschooling of the children and the running of the house.... along with studying for his own exams and the start-up of a new business....
Thanks to all of you wonderful friends that have said/sent words of encouragement over the last few weeks, it really has meant so much to us.
family times,
From the Heart,
prayer request
Friday, March 13, 2009
Back into the work force...
Well, I got the job. I will be working between 32 and 40 hours a week. Thanks to all who have been keeping our family in prayer.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Wednesday's Word
I wanted to share today my readings from Matthew Henry's Commentary that go along with the verses....(verses are from the ESV)
Jas 3:14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.
Pretend what you will, and think yourselves ever so wise, yet you have abundance of reason to cease your glorying, if you run down love and peace, and give way to bitter envying and strife. Your zeal for truth or orthodoxy, and your boasts of knowing more than others, if you employ these only to make others hateful, and to show your own spite and heart-burnings against them, are a shame to your profession of Christianity, and a downright contradiction to it. Lie not thus against the truth.
Jas 3:15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
Envying and strife are opposed to the meekness of wisdom. The heart is the seat of both; but envy and wisdom cannot dwell together in the same heart. Holy zeal and bitter envying are as different as the flames of seraphim and the fire of hell.
Jas 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
Those who live in malice, envy, and contention, live in confusion, and are liable to be provoked and hurried to any evil work. Such disorders raise many temptations, strengthen temptations, and involve men in a great deal of guilt. One sin begets another, and it cannot be imagined how much mischief is produced: there is every evil work. And is such wisdom as produces these effects to be gloried in? This cannot be without giving the lie to Christianity, and pretending that this wisdom is what it is not.
Jas 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
A truly wise man is a very knowing man: he will not set up for the reputation of being wise without laying in a good stock of knowledge; and he will not value himself merely upon knowing things, if he has not wisdom to make a right application and use of that knowledge. These two things must be put together to make up the account of true wisdom: who is wise, and endued with knowledge?
If we are wiser than others, this should be evidenced by the goodness of our conversation, not by the roughness or vanity of it. Words that inform, and heal, and do good, are the marks of wisdom; not those that look great, and do mischief, and are the occasions of evil, either in ourselves or others.
True wisdom may be known by its works. The conversation here does not refer only to words, but to the whole of men's practice; therefore it is said, Let him show out of a good conversation his works. True wisdom does not lie in good notions or speculations so much as in good and useful actions. Not he who thinks well, or he who talks well, is in the sense of the scripture allowed to be wise, if he do not live and act well.
True wisdom may be known by the meekness of the spirit and temper: Let him show with meekness, etc. It is a great instance of wisdom prudently to bridle our own anger, and patiently to bear the anger of others. And as wisdom will evidence itself in meekness, so meekness will be a great friend to wisdom; for nothing hinders the regular apprehension, the solid judgment, and impartiality of thought, necessary to our acting wisely, so much as passion. When we are mild and calm, we are best able to hear reason, and best able to speak it. Wisdom produces meekness, and meekness increases wisdom.
Please God, grant me a measure of true wisdom today and throughout my life, that I might be a more true reflection of Your glory and grace.
Jas 3:14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.
Pretend what you will, and think yourselves ever so wise, yet you have abundance of reason to cease your glorying, if you run down love and peace, and give way to bitter envying and strife. Your zeal for truth or orthodoxy, and your boasts of knowing more than others, if you employ these only to make others hateful, and to show your own spite and heart-burnings against them, are a shame to your profession of Christianity, and a downright contradiction to it. Lie not thus against the truth.
Jas 3:15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
Envying and strife are opposed to the meekness of wisdom. The heart is the seat of both; but envy and wisdom cannot dwell together in the same heart. Holy zeal and bitter envying are as different as the flames of seraphim and the fire of hell.
Jas 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
Those who live in malice, envy, and contention, live in confusion, and are liable to be provoked and hurried to any evil work. Such disorders raise many temptations, strengthen temptations, and involve men in a great deal of guilt. One sin begets another, and it cannot be imagined how much mischief is produced: there is every evil work. And is such wisdom as produces these effects to be gloried in? This cannot be without giving the lie to Christianity, and pretending that this wisdom is what it is not.
Jas 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
A truly wise man is a very knowing man: he will not set up for the reputation of being wise without laying in a good stock of knowledge; and he will not value himself merely upon knowing things, if he has not wisdom to make a right application and use of that knowledge. These two things must be put together to make up the account of true wisdom: who is wise, and endued with knowledge?
If we are wiser than others, this should be evidenced by the goodness of our conversation, not by the roughness or vanity of it. Words that inform, and heal, and do good, are the marks of wisdom; not those that look great, and do mischief, and are the occasions of evil, either in ourselves or others.
True wisdom may be known by its works. The conversation here does not refer only to words, but to the whole of men's practice; therefore it is said, Let him show out of a good conversation his works. True wisdom does not lie in good notions or speculations so much as in good and useful actions. Not he who thinks well, or he who talks well, is in the sense of the scripture allowed to be wise, if he do not live and act well.
True wisdom may be known by the meekness of the spirit and temper: Let him show with meekness, etc. It is a great instance of wisdom prudently to bridle our own anger, and patiently to bear the anger of others. And as wisdom will evidence itself in meekness, so meekness will be a great friend to wisdom; for nothing hinders the regular apprehension, the solid judgment, and impartiality of thought, necessary to our acting wisely, so much as passion. When we are mild and calm, we are best able to hear reason, and best able to speak it. Wisdom produces meekness, and meekness increases wisdom.
Please God, grant me a measure of true wisdom today and throughout my life, that I might be a more true reflection of Your glory and grace.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Interview Update...
Well, I have to say I think the interview went very well... I am now awaiting (and praying) for the right answer....
Going in for an interview....
Hello everyone. Just wanted to share that I got a call from that job this morning... going in for an interview this afternoon. Please keep me in prayer today! Thanks for all the kind words and prayers from so many of our friends!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sorry I missed ya'll last week...
.... but I was without a computer for the most part. See, we have run a Linux OS on my computer for years now. And with the start up of the business we found that we needed a computer that ran Windows. So, I made the sacrifice (and I do mean sacrifice) to put the Windows OS on my computer... so we backed up my info, and Eric installed Windows... It takes soooo much longer to install Windows on a computer! I'm still tweeking it.... but for now it will have to do!
I am waiting on a call for an interview this week. If I get the J.O.B. then I will not be on here as much ...and will need to seriously think on if I will keep up my blog and how..... I really want to, but may need to re-vamp my whole scheme....
I am waiting on a call for an interview this week. If I get the J.O.B. then I will not be on here as much ...and will need to seriously think on if I will keep up my blog and how..... I really want to, but may need to re-vamp my whole scheme....
Monday, March 02, 2009
Monday Moments...
here are a few moments from our day so far.....
me.... taking a break from the kitchen for a quick photo session....
Amaris in Jed's room cleaning away...
Jed is helping....
Travis was on bathroom duty...
Mia in the kitchen... we are doing some spring out the cabinets....
Eric is working on a book press....

Saturday, February 28, 2009
...the odd couple.
You know the ones in your circle of people... those that are always on call for emergencies, those that are always ready to do any work needed, ready to assist in anything that needs being done..... but that you don't necessarily hang out with..... that is us. We never have planned to be that couple... but fate works in odd ways .... even those we consider closest to us.... just don't seem to "hang" with us.... it leaves us confused and a bit hurt.
Someone asked Eric the other day if there was anyone he really had to "hang" with... and when Eric said no... the person told Eric they were not that surprised about it.... so what does that mean??? Is it so easy to tell that we are that odd couple??? For the amount of things we are involved in and the amount of people that call on us for different circumstances.... we often feel that we are on the outside of the circle of friends looking in.
Someone asked Eric the other day if there was anyone he really had to "hang" with... and when Eric said no... the person told Eric they were not that surprised about it.... so what does that mean??? Is it so easy to tell that we are that odd couple??? For the amount of things we are involved in and the amount of people that call on us for different circumstances.... we often feel that we are on the outside of the circle of friends looking in.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
goodness.... not feeling well at the Amacher House these days.... we will resume the regular scheduled program when I am feeling better......
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Stopping in quick....
to give the run down of my weekend....
I need to get some laundry going.
We have dress rehearsal for 60+ Banquet
I need to clean the CSC Building before rehearsal
I need to get some pictures uploaded for our Group Scrapbook
I need to get the kids ready for serving at the 60+ Banquet
I need to gather all costumes for 60+ Banquet
Clean up after 60+ Banquet
I am sure I am leaving something out....(oh, 60+ Banquet is a Dinner & Show that we under the age of 60 put on for our older members... its a hoot!) This year we are doing a skit based on a couple of Andy Griffith episodes ..... Mountain Wedding & The Education of Ernest T Bass.....
Morning Class and Services
Come home fix lunch and REST for a bit
We have early Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes practice tomorrow afternoon (starts at 4)
Evening Services
Come home and collapse ........
A very event filled weekend!
I need to get some laundry going.
We have dress rehearsal for 60+ Banquet
I need to clean the CSC Building before rehearsal
I need to get some pictures uploaded for our Group Scrapbook
I need to get the kids ready for serving at the 60+ Banquet
I need to gather all costumes for 60+ Banquet
Clean up after 60+ Banquet
I am sure I am leaving something out....(oh, 60+ Banquet is a Dinner & Show that we under the age of 60 put on for our older members... its a hoot!) This year we are doing a skit based on a couple of Andy Griffith episodes ..... Mountain Wedding & The Education of Ernest T Bass.....
Morning Class and Services
Come home fix lunch and REST for a bit
We have early Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes practice tomorrow afternoon (starts at 4)
Evening Services
Come home and collapse ........
A very event filled weekend!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday's Fixins ~ Eating out.... on the cheap
How do you go out for a dinner for 6 on a budget of $12.00???? Is that even possible??? Tonight it was! My mother is the Director at the local Senior Center... and tonight was the annual Spaghetti Supper.... she had a sponsor to buy up a hundred tickets them give them back to the center so that anyone over 60 could get a free ticket with the purchase of a ticket... my mom bought 2 tickets and got 2 free tickets... she then gave us 3 of the tickets... so we only had to pay for 2 tickets (Jed and Amaris shared a plate.) We got to support a good cause.... enjoy a meal..... and do it on a very tight budget! Whoohoo! The food was good, and the price was great!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Its hard not to worry.....
about how we are going to make it .... no income, little job prospects.... Faith that God is going to see us through is the only thing keeping us going. Please pray for us.
family times,
From the Heart,
prayer request
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
..... a Resume???
Do you know how long its been since I've had a Resume??? So long that Eric has never seen one...LOL! Well, I am working on one! Please pray that work .... any work.... comes my way soon!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Eric.....
Today is my wonderful husband's birthday....
Daddy's big helper......
and naptime companion....
Happy Birthday... we love you!

Happy Birthday... we love you!
family pics,
family times,
From the Heart
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Friday's Fixins ~ A day early....

I made my own hamburger buns tonight! The family loved them and I will be using this recipe again!
Easy Hamburger Buns (using the bread machine)
Put the ingredients in your bread machine in order...
1 & 1/2 cups warm tap water
1/4 cup oil
2 tblsp brown sugar
2 tsp salt
2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups bread flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp yeast
Set your machine for the dough cycle... take out and separate into balls and pat down just a bit on a greased baking sheet. (Let rise to twice the size.)Bake at 350 for about 25 min or until they sound hollow when thumped. Brush the tops with a bit of oil to keep them soft.
Sloppy Joes for dinner along with some seasoned fries... mmmmmm...mmmmm...good!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wednesday's Word
2Co 11:3 (ESV) But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
Satan has a very long time to develop his deceitfulness ..... and he has vast experience in making the absurd seem like great wisdom. However, we should not let ourselves be fooled so easily. We must make a choice as Christians to keep our eyes open that we do not fall under any delusions Satan throws our way.
This week many throughout the world are celebrating the man Charles Darwin and his speculation on the beginnings of the world and man. This concept he called evolution is now being taught to our children as fact and not theory. At the heart of this notion of Mr. Darwin's is that there is no Creator because life "just happened". It devalues human life, putting man on the same level as animals with words like "common ancestor".
Sadly some Christians are falling under this idealistic influence and many others do not see the necessity of denying this claim by Darwin and his followers as nothing more than another corrupt lie from the father of all lies, Satan.
Well, what does it matter anyway?????
It matters because, if the foundations of Creation (Genesis chapters 1 and 2), are false ..... then the Cornerstone that is God is nothing more than a lie. Then if God does not exist, and man was not created... he "just happened", then there is no need for a Savior.
But I am so glad that we are not something that "just happened", we , that is mankind, was created ...... and not just created, but formed by the hands of God himself. Isa 64:8 But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. And we were given the breath of life from God himself...Gen 2:7 then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. ..............and that we are in need of a Savior, that is Jesus Christ the Son of God, born from a virgin, living a sinless life, and then becoming sin for all he died... was buried... and rose again! Showing the love and power of God throughout all times complete and fulfilled. (Amen!)
The Truth that is God and Jesus Christ is what gives man purpose in life. If you take away that fundamental axis to our existence you give us something far worse than a pack of lies. You give us nothing more than emptiness....
Job 15:31 Let him not trust in emptiness, deceiving himself, for emptiness will be his payment.
Satan has a very long time to develop his deceitfulness ..... and he has vast experience in making the absurd seem like great wisdom. However, we should not let ourselves be fooled so easily. We must make a choice as Christians to keep our eyes open that we do not fall under any delusions Satan throws our way.
This week many throughout the world are celebrating the man Charles Darwin and his speculation on the beginnings of the world and man. This concept he called evolution is now being taught to our children as fact and not theory. At the heart of this notion of Mr. Darwin's is that there is no Creator because life "just happened". It devalues human life, putting man on the same level as animals with words like "common ancestor".
Sadly some Christians are falling under this idealistic influence and many others do not see the necessity of denying this claim by Darwin and his followers as nothing more than another corrupt lie from the father of all lies, Satan.
Well, what does it matter anyway?????
It matters because, if the foundations of Creation (Genesis chapters 1 and 2), are false ..... then the Cornerstone that is God is nothing more than a lie. Then if God does not exist, and man was not created... he "just happened", then there is no need for a Savior.
But I am so glad that we are not something that "just happened", we , that is mankind, was created ...... and not just created, but formed by the hands of God himself. Isa 64:8 But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. And we were given the breath of life from God himself...Gen 2:7 then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. ..............and that we are in need of a Savior, that is Jesus Christ the Son of God, born from a virgin, living a sinless life, and then becoming sin for all he died... was buried... and rose again! Showing the love and power of God throughout all times complete and fulfilled. (Amen!)
The Truth that is God and Jesus Christ is what gives man purpose in life. If you take away that fundamental axis to our existence you give us something far worse than a pack of lies. You give us nothing more than emptiness....
Job 15:31 Let him not trust in emptiness, deceiving himself, for emptiness will be his payment.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday's Tip

Space is always at a premium when you have a big family..... so that means organization is a must! So I use all kinds of totes, and boxes to help out. ....and among my favorite is photo boxes! I use them for just about everything. In the library, I have several... some for storing pens and pencils, supplies for making homemade cards, maps, and other school supplies. I got several for Eric to use in his office for those small computer parts he always has laying around and cords, and anything else he may need them for..... each of the kids have at least one in their rooms for their shelves for what-nots. And then I do actually have photos stored in some here in the front room. You can buy several to match a rooms decoration or just buy several mis-matched ones and create a whimsical effect.....cute and functional!
Monday, February 09, 2009
today's goals...
laundry .... and lots of it. Happily it is a nice day out and I can hang out some clothes!
clean up the kitchen .... we were gone most of the weekend and it shows!
tidy up around the rest of the house...
play outside with the kids!
I also have my Monday computer class today and will be gone for about 2 hours for that.
Tonight I am going to go through the pantry and freezers to put together a nice big grocery list and go out tomorrow for that....
I lead such a boring life...LOL!
clean up the kitchen .... we were gone most of the weekend and it shows!
tidy up around the rest of the house...
play outside with the kids!
I also have my Monday computer class today and will be gone for about 2 hours for that.
Tonight I am going to go through the pantry and freezers to put together a nice big grocery list and go out tomorrow for that....
I lead such a boring life...LOL!
Friday, February 06, 2009
Well, today I have been off my feet as much as possible... I have wrenched my bad knee and so I am limping when I am up on my feet... just need to give it a few days to heal up a bit and all will be normal again....
So, I spent the day editing the kids Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes speeches. Mia has written her own speech again this year and Travis is getting help for his and I helped Amaris with hers. I do hope that they do well in the competitions at convention .... but I am so glad that they understand that the competitions are not the real reason to be participating in the programs.... service and learning leadership roles in the church are much more important to them!
Well, tomorrow will be a busy day once again (I say that a lot..LOL) we have a "tweens" (our younger youth) service event... making cookies for Valentines Day for our widows of the congregation to hand out on Sunday morning. We are so blessed by the other members of our congregation and we love to show our appreciation to any we can! ..... Then my family is getting together for a late birthday party for my mom.... then I'm off (with Mia) to babysit! whew.. Makes me a bit tired just thinking of it tonight...LOL.
I'll post again soon!
So, I spent the day editing the kids Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes speeches. Mia has written her own speech again this year and Travis is getting help for his and I helped Amaris with hers. I do hope that they do well in the competitions at convention .... but I am so glad that they understand that the competitions are not the real reason to be participating in the programs.... service and learning leadership roles in the church are much more important to them!
Well, tomorrow will be a busy day once again (I say that a lot..LOL) we have a "tweens" (our younger youth) service event... making cookies for Valentines Day for our widows of the congregation to hand out on Sunday morning. We are so blessed by the other members of our congregation and we love to show our appreciation to any we can! ..... Then my family is getting together for a late birthday party for my mom.... then I'm off (with Mia) to babysit! whew.. Makes me a bit tired just thinking of it tonight...LOL.
I'll post again soon!
family times,
From the Heart,
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Wednesday's Word
1Jn 4:16-17 (NLT) We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in him. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we are like Christ here in this world.
Have you ever opened your mouth and said something that upset a brother or sister in Christ (or anyone for that matter)? I know I have (on more than one occasion... I am working on it) ...... and it seems to cause some strife or hard feelings ..... so what do you do to make amends? Well, apologize first and foremost, that is needed (sometimes I have to do that lots) and if that does not help the situation ..... then just love them. Swallow pride and go out of your way to show them kindness, love and understanding. I know its hard.... and you may never see any fruition from your efforts in this world.... but we must remember that God sees it.
God, who is the source of all love, is watching us each moment. If we are His, then He is dwelling in us and we in Him..... and His love is being cultivated in us.... and we should be allowing His love to permeate every aspect of our lives. Look at the verses above....
And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. Perfect? But we argue that no one here on earth is perfect... how can our love grow more perfect? Well, as we are living in God, and He is dwelling in us ... His influence is growing in our lives... His love is growing in us .... and God's love is perfect. We may not ever reach perfection here .... but look the verse does not say our loves grows to perfection.... it says our love grows more perfect....until that day when love becomes what it should be in us.
Have you ever opened your mouth and said something that upset a brother or sister in Christ (or anyone for that matter)? I know I have (on more than one occasion... I am working on it) ...... and it seems to cause some strife or hard feelings ..... so what do you do to make amends? Well, apologize first and foremost, that is needed (sometimes I have to do that lots) and if that does not help the situation ..... then just love them. Swallow pride and go out of your way to show them kindness, love and understanding. I know its hard.... and you may never see any fruition from your efforts in this world.... but we must remember that God sees it.
God, who is the source of all love, is watching us each moment. If we are His, then He is dwelling in us and we in Him..... and His love is being cultivated in us.... and we should be allowing His love to permeate every aspect of our lives. Look at the verses above....
And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. Perfect? But we argue that no one here on earth is perfect... how can our love grow more perfect? Well, as we are living in God, and He is dwelling in us ... His influence is growing in our lives... His love is growing in us .... and God's love is perfect. We may not ever reach perfection here .... but look the verse does not say our loves grows to perfection.... it says our love grows more perfect....until that day when love becomes what it should be in us.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Tuesday's Tip....
So, thought I would really start getting back into the swing of things here on my blog... and if any of my (few) readers remember I wanted to start something a bit different a couple of months back... sort of to expand my blog... so today I am starting in earnest.
Tuesday's Tip.....I want to share things I have found cost effective, ideas to save money, or even just thinking out of the box..... so here we go!
Today I want to share what I feel that helps me out in a big way on Sundays. I let Jed carry his own "diaper bag". Last year I found a cute little "Dr. Seus" backpack at a yardsale for 10cents. Jed loved it and was always wanting to throw something in it and take it along with us wherever we went... so instead of me carrying a bag and then having to keep up with it and an extra bag of "stuff" I asked if he would like to carry his own extras... he thinks he is such a big boy carrying all his own things around now!
Since it is a smaller backpack (just his size) and although Jed is a good sized 2 year old (he is over 3 foot and nearly 40 pounds now) I still want to keep the backpack on the lighter side so it does not overburden him. When packing, I first get him a change of clothes and roll the shirt and pants in a tight roll together and place it in the bottom of the pack. Then I have (usually) about 3 pull-ups and a small case of wipes. I then add about 3 small toys/book to the pack (letting him help pick them out) and then add a snack and his cup. The pack is rather light and he loves to put it on and show everyone just how big a helper he really is! Now, I do have to say that it does help that Jed is in the potty training stage and I don't have to carry as much for him as I used to and that he really does not get all messy and dirty up his clothes so I usually can keep his change of clothes packed in the bottom of the backpack for several outings before I have to use them so the only thing I replenish is the pullups, snacks and his cups..... but let me tell you how nice it is not to have to keep up with a diaper bag on Sunday mornings!
Tuesday's Tip.....I want to share things I have found cost effective, ideas to save money, or even just thinking out of the box..... so here we go!
Today I want to share what I feel that helps me out in a big way on Sundays. I let Jed carry his own "diaper bag". Last year I found a cute little "Dr. Seus" backpack at a yardsale for 10cents. Jed loved it and was always wanting to throw something in it and take it along with us wherever we went... so instead of me carrying a bag and then having to keep up with it and an extra bag of "stuff" I asked if he would like to carry his own extras... he thinks he is such a big boy carrying all his own things around now!
Since it is a smaller backpack (just his size) and although Jed is a good sized 2 year old (he is over 3 foot and nearly 40 pounds now) I still want to keep the backpack on the lighter side so it does not overburden him. When packing, I first get him a change of clothes and roll the shirt and pants in a tight roll together and place it in the bottom of the pack. Then I have (usually) about 3 pull-ups and a small case of wipes. I then add about 3 small toys/book to the pack (letting him help pick them out) and then add a snack and his cup. The pack is rather light and he loves to put it on and show everyone just how big a helper he really is! Now, I do have to say that it does help that Jed is in the potty training stage and I don't have to carry as much for him as I used to and that he really does not get all messy and dirty up his clothes so I usually can keep his change of clothes packed in the bottom of the backpack for several outings before I have to use them so the only thing I replenish is the pullups, snacks and his cups..... but let me tell you how nice it is not to have to keep up with a diaper bag on Sunday mornings!
Monday, February 02, 2009
Happy Birthday Mom....
You have options....
Well, as I said last week, Eric is again without a job. However, instead of letting the hard times do us in we are seeking to think of out of the box ideas to help support our family. I may be going back to work so that he can stay home and do some continuing education for himself to be able to take certain tests that will help expand his resume..... we are also looking at a few other ideas for small side businesses to operate as well.... the one thing we are not doing is forgetting that God is watching out for our well being and He has a plan already set in place for us. We are prayerfully awaiting His answers.
family times,
From the Heart,
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A quiet day.....
here today, the kids are doing school work, I'm tidying and catching up a bit on some sewing repairs... and Eric is cleaning his office. We are praying on what to do next..... please keep us in your prayers as well today. Thanks.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hard Times ....
Well, Eric has been let go from his job. The position was a created position... so it was the first to go to save the company money.
Now, we are facing hard times. Please pray that Eric finds work soon.
Now, we are facing hard times. Please pray that Eric finds work soon.
Much about nothing...
Not much going on today ...... I will be getting the kiddos up and going for the day in just a bit, then I will get some of the housework done. The house is in fairly good shape ... the kitchen needs a bit of cleaning, a couple of loads of laundry needs to be done and then a bit of overall pick up around the house and it should be good. Today I want to really focus on where the kids are in their schoolwork. See how far that they have come this year and see if we need to pick up the pace or if we feel that all is going well. There is a new DVD we have that we want them to start watching for history/government study... so we may start that today as well.
I do have my computer class this afternoon at the Senior Center. I do look forward to this class and hope that my "students" do as well. Basically all I do is help to create a bit of confidence for the ladies in my class... they have never touched a computer and want to learn but are so afraid that they will tear something up that they seem to fear even getting started some days. They have come a long way in a short time.... a few are even sending emails now!
Today I plan on putting a roast in the crockpot ..... its a pork roast so I may pull it apart and have BB-Que tonight, we will just have to see.....
Well, I'm off to get the day started.
I do have my computer class this afternoon at the Senior Center. I do look forward to this class and hope that my "students" do as well. Basically all I do is help to create a bit of confidence for the ladies in my class... they have never touched a computer and want to learn but are so afraid that they will tear something up that they seem to fear even getting started some days. They have come a long way in a short time.... a few are even sending emails now!
Today I plan on putting a roast in the crockpot ..... its a pork roast so I may pull it apart and have BB-Que tonight, we will just have to see.....
Well, I'm off to get the day started.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Our hope is in You alone....
Psa 33:1 (NLT) Let the godly sing with joy to the LORD, for it is fitting to praise him.
Psa 33:2 Praise the LORD with melodies on the lyre; make music for him on the ten-stringed harp.
Psa 33:3 Sing new songs of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp and sing with joy.
Psa 33:4 For the word of the LORD holds true, and everything he does is worthy of our trust.
Psa 33:5 He loves whatever is just and good, and his unfailing love fills the earth.
Psa 33:6 The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born.
Psa 33:7 He gave the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs.
Psa 33:8 Let everyone in the world fear the LORD, and let everyone stand in awe of him.
Psa 33:9 For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command.
Psa 33:10 The LORD shatters the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes.
Psa 33:11 But the LORD'S plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken.
Psa 33:12 What joy for the nation whose God is the LORD, whose people he has chosen for his own.
Psa 33:13 The LORD looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race.
Psa 33:14 From his throne he observes all who live on the earth.
Psa 33:15 He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do.
Psa 33:16 The best-equipped army cannot save a king, nor is great strength enough to save a warrior.
Psa 33:17 Don't count on your warhorse to give you victory- for all its strength, it cannot save you.
Psa 33:18 But the LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.
Psa 33:19 He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in times of famine.
Psa 33:20 We depend on the LORD alone to save us. Only he can help us, protecting us like a shield.
Psa 33:21 In him our hearts rejoice, for we are trusting in his holy name.
Psa 33:22 Let your unfailing love surround us, LORD, for our hope is in you alone.
Oh, how wonderful it is to be a child of God.
Psa 33:2 Praise the LORD with melodies on the lyre; make music for him on the ten-stringed harp.
Psa 33:3 Sing new songs of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp and sing with joy.
Psa 33:4 For the word of the LORD holds true, and everything he does is worthy of our trust.
Psa 33:5 He loves whatever is just and good, and his unfailing love fills the earth.
Psa 33:6 The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born.
Psa 33:7 He gave the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs.
Psa 33:8 Let everyone in the world fear the LORD, and let everyone stand in awe of him.
Psa 33:9 For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command.
Psa 33:10 The LORD shatters the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes.
Psa 33:11 But the LORD'S plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken.
Psa 33:12 What joy for the nation whose God is the LORD, whose people he has chosen for his own.
Psa 33:13 The LORD looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race.
Psa 33:14 From his throne he observes all who live on the earth.
Psa 33:15 He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do.
Psa 33:16 The best-equipped army cannot save a king, nor is great strength enough to save a warrior.
Psa 33:17 Don't count on your warhorse to give you victory- for all its strength, it cannot save you.
Psa 33:18 But the LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.
Psa 33:19 He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in times of famine.
Psa 33:20 We depend on the LORD alone to save us. Only he can help us, protecting us like a shield.
Psa 33:21 In him our hearts rejoice, for we are trusting in his holy name.
Psa 33:22 Let your unfailing love surround us, LORD, for our hope is in you alone.
Oh, how wonderful it is to be a child of God.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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