Wednesday, December 29, 2010
just a quick hey...
on my way out the door... holding down the pharmacy for the next few days ...some of my coworkers are out til next year.... i.e. Monday....
work, work, work......
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday's Word ~ God's Word
You know, I often hear people saying that they wished there was an instruction book for life... I have even been known to let it slip from my lips as well.... but it is wonderful that we do have a perfect instruction book for life. The Word of God! God knew that we would need guidance and encouragement here in this life and so He gave us one! But the Bible is so much more than a book of instructions.... it is a wonderful book of encouragement, love and hope. God knew that we would need something we could draw upon in dark times, something we could study and learn from daily.... a resource that would stand throughout time and culture to show us an everlasting hope.
I think that in this season of Christmas one of the best gifts we can give is a look of that hope in us.... something we do or say in just the next few days may change a life. Many times we are the only representation of God's Word that some will ever see. What do our lives reflect?
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wonderful Word. I pray that I will ever use it to reflect Your will in my life. Lord, grant that I may be a living example of Your love each day and that I will ever look for the opportunities You present me with to spread Your Word. Thank you Lord, for Your Son, Jesus, that during this Christmas season the world is more open to hear of His birth. Thank you God, for sending Christ to us, to live among us and to become our Savior through His life, death and resurrection. In His most precious Name, Amen.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Store Christmas Party!
Monday, December 06, 2010
Well, it has been a long time stranger....
Now, the holidays are here! We are getting the house all decorated up.... found out most of my lights (they are like 10 years old) have decided not to work this year.... so we have budgeted for a few strands. Jed is so excited this year about Christmas. He saw that many people had their Christmas lights up right after Thanksgiving and he was ready to put them up that night!
We have been so blessed this year! We have paid off several of our bills over the last year! God has been so good to us. Our garden was a blessing this year to us and we have been blessed with so many finds at the thrift shops and hand-me-downs for clothes that were needed. Our life may be simple, we may not have much by the worlds standards but we feel so very blessed!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wednesday's Word ~ Fooled by the bait????

Oh, don't worry no one will bother to notice..... just this once you can get away with it..... come on live a little..... don't you deserve a bit of fun???? Satan's temptation tools sound so good at times, don't they? As far back as Eve in the Garden, Satan has been telling people the same old things.... and all of them are lies. But the bait he uses sounds and looks so good...... we are like fish swimming around that fish-hooked worm until sometimes we just have to take a bite! Then we are caught up in sin! Is there a way out?!?!?
Paul tells us in 1Corinthians 10:13 (ESV) No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
Is that wonderful or what? God gives a way of escape to the bait! We have the choice to say yes, or we can say no and build faith and choose obedience to God and His Word. Thinking of temptation as a faith-builder can turn one of Satan's most used tools into an opportunity to glorify God!
Lord, help me at each temptation to see it as a chance to glorify You in my life. Help me to choose to always follow Your will for my life and to remember that You always provide a means of escaping the bait laid out by the evil one. Thank You for verses in Your Word that remind me that You are faithful and hold me in the palm of Your hand. Lord, remind me that each of my choices are noticed by the One that sees all and that the only thing I am deserving of without Your Grace is death. Help me daily Lord, to make the right choices. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Homeschooling 3 teens....
We have had a pretty good start this year with school..... Travis is a senior, Mia is a sophomore, and Amaris is in 8th grade. And this year we have started working with Jed in some pre-school time and work...... Eric is doing a super great job! He is such a great dad and I am so happy that one of us can be home with the kids!
Travis has started working during the day and then doing his schoolwork and chores in the afternoon..... it has been a shaky start but I think that he will get his schedule under control. He is learning what its like out in the real world a bit.....
Mia has started to embrace the home school life more so this year.... I'm hoping she is learning to enjoy it better. I know she appreciates the freedom... just misses seeing all the people daily.
Amaris has truly adjusted to home schooling. She is doing well on her studies and she even has a friend that has started homeschooling this past year.
Jed is starting his preschool studies this year... he feels like a big boy doing school work like his big brother and sisters!
Monday, August 30, 2010
I didn't get all the chores done today that I wanted, but I did get enough done today that I don't feel completely lazy..... I did work.... but I also got to visit with our good friends David and Heather today.... love to do that! And, we found Eric about 3-4 more pair of pants at Treasures today...yipee!!! So I did get a good amount of things done.
The next few days will see me working at the pharmacy just about opening to close each day and I am working this Saturday so that I can be off for the Saturday of our Kid's Rally!
Well, I'm off to get Jed in the bed.... until next time....
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
friends, family and new stuff
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Just wanted to post a link too! We use the Robinson Curriculum as a base and use other resources for the kids electives. We were given the discs from another homeschooling family to review it .... as parents we fell in love with it.... so much so that we bought our own copies of the discs! We have really enjoyed the older books that the kids use with this curriculum!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Good Harvest....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Goodness but....
I have some great stuff in my head to put down (or on rather) here but the motivation wagon has not stopped by here in a bit! Hoping that the motivation will come!
Be back soon!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Time, Time, Who has the Time.....
Last night our topic for Monday Night Matters (our Monday night teen devo and fun nights this summer) was on Time. You know, how we fill up our time, spend our time, use our time... however you want to say it.... and how being busy and keeping a hectic schedule just to stay busy can sometimes lead us away from the life God has planned for us. We also played a game called Destination.... we had everyone pick a spot in the parking lot... it was their choice where to stand.... we then told them this was their starting point ... just like in life we all have different starting points. Then we blindfolded everyone and told them that their final destination in life was Heaven... so their destination in this game was to reach the doors of the church building, however they couldn't just walk they had "little detours" along the way depending on how busy they were.... examples.... take 5 steps foward if you read your Bible each day(we only had one teen move forward on that one by the way) ..... turn around 3 times and then take 2 steps forward if you have a job.... being blindfolded they then did not know if they were still headed in the right direction... and so forth.... at about mid-way through the game we let them 'peek' to see if they were still on track some were surprised to see where they were standing .... it was a good time.
Next week we are going to talk about Heroes. Look forward to seeing everyone there!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Busy Weekend!
For me, I took Jed yesterday morning to the local Library to see "Safari Greg" .... he talks to kids about animals ... even brings a few to show and also does a few magic tricks to keep little ones laughing. Mia went along with us to help.... I think she had more fun that Jed did Then I re-potted some of my house plants.... one had been looking rather pitiful... no wonder... it was terribly root bound. Now it has a nice big pot to stretch out in and I am hoping it will perk back up!
Eric mowed the yard yesterday afternoon and Mia cleaned up the cars a bit.... the Suburban had a bad smell due to a leaky cooler Eric's mom had put in the back when they went swimming on Friday.... So, Mia cleaned out the inside and sprayed deodorizer inside and we left windows open for a big part of the day to let it air out! Then she took my mom's car (the Impala) that she is letting me drive a bit and washed it.
Today we plan on being just as busy.... after services Eric and I plan on getting the lines up between the post! I will have nearly 200 ft of hanging space! The post have 4 lines! I am so excited about having my own laundry lines up! Then to hang out laundry!
This afternoon also is the car wash for the Youth Group. They didn't want to just ask for help with the cost to cover camps, so they will have a car wash this afternoon for anyone that wants to help donate to the cost of camp.
Tomorrow I have the day off of work.... I plan on getting my hair cut first thing in the morning then coming back home and working on getting more laundry I am also hoping that I will have a closet system in ... if not fully then hopefully by the end of the week... it is coming along beautifully! I will put pics up as soon as we have everything in place! I am so tired of having everything from out closet all spread out all over the house.... clothes... Jeds room... shoes... not sure.... I didn't realize how much stuff we had packed in that little room!
Then tomorrow night we have our Monday Night Matters Devo and fun night at the church building.... tomorrow's Topic... TIME. Come out and join us for a fun time!
That about wraps up things going on around the Amacher house this weekend and the beginning of the new week..... I will be working everyday after Monday but I hope to be here each day for at least a few lines! God Bless!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Good Friday Morning...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Counting Blessing
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Wednesday's Word ~
Praising God Today. All Day. Everyday. Amen!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Good Morning Everyone
Yesterday was a wonderful day for us! First, Eric and I had the honor of taking our good friends Erik and Adrianne to the airport in Nashville yesterday. We are going to miss them for the next few months as they continue the work in Russia. After we got home from Nashville we packed up a nice little picnic and headed off to the Natchez Trace park for a bit of family fun! There is a creek at the picnic area and getting wet was great for the kids and Eric (I only waded a bit). Then as we were leaving the park I got a text message that one in our congregation was ready to make his decision to become a Christian and would we be at the church building as he was baptized ....... whoohoo you bet! Congrats to Blake! You have made the best decision you will ever make! I pray that we as a family are a support to you and your family!
Then, last night was our first Monday Night Matters for our 7th thru 12th graders..... I hope everyone had as much fun and we did! Eric did such a great job with the Devo and discussion time. The topic last night was What Matters to Jesus! Then we had snacks and then a game of Spoons with a twist* ... the twist was we didn't have a table and we played it on the grass...there was no dealer because we gave out all the cards and everyone passed the cards at the same time...then everyone had to dive for the spoon! Congrats to Morgan ... our Spoons Champ! We picked the game of Spoons because it related to the topic.... getting the spoon in the game of Spoons is what matters most in the game.... following Jesus and His commands is what matters most! I'm so glad we had a great first M-N-M night with the teens and looking forward to next week! --- oh, and for anyone coming wear something you don't mind getting dirty! LOL
That about sums up our day yesterday. We are such a blessed family!
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Hello there...
Other news in the Amacher life is that.... this week is Mission Trip week. This year the elders decided that since there was so much flood damage in our own area that the Mission work would better be served right here. So each day (Wed thru Sat) everyone will meet at the church building and go out into the area (a lot of this will be in the next county over) and help with demolition, repairs and encouragement to those hit hard by the flooding. We have had so many sign up to help this year! Travis and Mia will be out each day doing something .... Mia even asked to be given some of the harder work ...she likes to prove she is as good as the boys in stuff like that..... and its good motivation for the boys when some of the adults comment on how much harder Mia works than them. I have to work most days ... I do have Thursday off so I may get to help with some things that day. All in all a busy week ahead!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wednesday's Word ~ Servants for Christ
We have tried to teach our children to be servants. Knowing that God will be glorified in all that we do. With the floods from the last couple of weeks in the area, our congregation has decided that instead of going somewhere for the mission trip this year we will be meeting daily that week and working in our own area... there were parts of our county and the next county over that were hit very hard by flooding and tornadoes. We have started gathering supplies to distribute to those in need. Yesterday, Travis traveled with others to pick up soaps, detergents and such to give out to anyone in need .... this afternoon there are several of our teens that will gather and sort through the different products and get them ready to hand out. There is so much to do and so many things that can be done to help out. We are so blessed to have children that are willing to be servants for the cause of Christ.
Please add our work in your prayers.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday's Musings
Then tonight we cooked a nice dinner and had my mom over for the evening. I did not get to see her yesterday since we were traveling back from Eric's sister graduation this weekend. (She graduated from Pharmacy School- whoohoo Brianne) We had a great time visiting with her, she is such a wonderful mom! I am so blessed!
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Happy Mother's Day

Wishing the best of wishes and blessings for all the wonderful mothers out there!
And a special Mother's Day wish to my mom.... I love you!
Monday, May 03, 2010
Monday News and a word of encouragement.
You know our ladies class has been studying about crisis and how Christians should deal with a crisis. Today I thought of how when we are found in the swirling waters of troubles that I am so encouraged by just knowing that God never leaves my side! I can call out to Him in times of crisis and know that He is there. And God does an amazing thing.... not only does He comfort me but He sends people my way that can help/comfort/ encourage me throughout the crisis! God is wonderful to us, His children! All we have to do is trust that God will bring us through any crisis we may face. We don't have to fear the flood waters of life... for we know that God is always there to hold us above the waters.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thankful Thursday - Describing God
dwelling place
shield and buckler
Don't you get a feeling of safety and awe of God's mightiness just looking at these few words...He is all these and more! We are told not to have fear in the midst of crisis for God is there to deliver us out whatever difficulties we find ourselves in. He is going to be right there to be our protector and our refuge!
Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. (2) I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." (3) For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. (4) He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. (5) You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, (6) nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. (7) A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. (8) You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. (9) Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place-- the Most High, who is my refuge-- (10) no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. (11) For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. (12)On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. (13) You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. (14) "Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. (15) When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. (16) With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation." (ESV)
I truly love verse 4 .... the writer says God will cover us with His pinions .... ever thought about what a pinion is? ... simply put its a feather.... God will cover us with His feathers .... and under His wings we can find refuge... but at the same time God will be our shield and buckler. For His children are found in the comfort and the tenderness of God's wing while he is a mighty defender of us outwardly protecting us as a shield and buckler. Is that not wonderful! God grants us so many blessing each moment and even when we face turmoil and crisis He is there to tenderly and lovingly protect us and fiercely defend us all at the same time! God never leaves us... we are always in His thoughts, He is ever ready to be what we need, a tender and loving refuge, a mighty shield and defender..... a deliverer. How great is God's love!
Today and every day I am thankful I can call upon God!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Okay..... here is my new project

getting the supplies together....

then cutting the paper to size...

gluing the decorative paper for the cover....

and folding down the outer paper...

this is it! my first book! A cute little notebook.... It's made from recycled paper and cardboard inserts from the pharmacy.... so what do you think???
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday's Fixins ~ Roast Beef
Turned to oven on to 250* then got out the roast and put in my roasting pan. Poured 1 can of beef broth over it and let it fill the bottom of the pan. Then I added some left over chopped onion (about 1 good cupful ... ya'll should know by now I wing it and don't really measure, right?), then sprinkled on some seasonings .... garlic pepper, season salt, and actually some veggie grill mix. Put the top on the roasting pan and popped it in the oven .... leaving it there for about 6-7 hours at 250*. I did not sear it first, not did I start it out at 400* then bring down the temp... just left it at 250 all day... I did pull it out every couple of hours to dowse the meat with the broth mix from the bottom of the pan to help keep it nice and moist. And when I pulled it out to cut ... it was so tender and just fell apart...mmmmmmm! I gathered up the broth mix and made a nice gravy to go with the roast... had some homemade mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet carrots, sqwash casserole, and of course no meal around my house is complete with out some sweet tea according to my family! I had enough that we were able to eat on the left overs for a day or two! Nothing like homemade!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Good Thursday Morning
I am so thankful for our children! Our kids amaze me sometimes. They have such servant hearts.
This week they have been volunteering for the District Senior Games .... you know, doing judging, score keeping .... encouraging the seniors in the surrounding areas in sports like shuffleboard, horse shoes, basketball free throw..etc... Well, this morning I got news from the Senior Center Director here in Lewis County (aka... my and she was telling me how the whole crowd of seniors ... not just the ones they see here in the county but those from all over just love it when my children volunteer. She also told me that the other judges (some that have been helping for 30 years) are so impressed with my children and have begged mom to have them at the State Senior Games in July this year! Goodness.... makes a momma not just thankful but a bit on the proud side too!
And what has our little Jed been up to this week while his brother and sisters have been gone... well, yesterday he spent the afternoon in the back fields with Momma Sue and Papa Rich as they were clearing out some brush .... and he even got to drive the truck in the field! He sure was excited about that!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Wednesday's Word ~
Is this not just a wonderful verse! If you have become a child of God then you stand in the grace of God (through Christ Jesus)..... it does not say we have stood or will stand but that we are standing... it is a perpetual present tense.... as a child of God we can continually stand in God's grace ... Jesus' sacrifice did that for us! We are able to rejoice in hope of the glory of God.... that makes me want to shout for joy... sing out loud... stand in awe of God's love.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Pics from Convention

Here we are awaiting awards on Saturday night...... this is after a full day of competitions in Bible Bowl, Speech, and Song Leading/Songs of Praise

Jed and his buddies keeping themselves busy before and during Awards ......

Mia and one of her awards....

Travis placed First! in Song Leading! Whoohoo!

Mia and Amaris along with the other girls that got bronze in Second Language.... Russian!
We were so very blessed by the whole weekend! Thanks to Trent and Lori Hill (our leaders) who make this weekend and the whole Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes program such a wonderful and uplifting program!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Good Morning ....
Sunday, March 28, 2010
We are also looking forward to listening to all our youth do the services tonight with their song leading, bible reading and speeches that they have been working on for Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes this coming weekend! They have all worked so very hard to get prepared this year for convention! Tonight is the night that they get to share what they have been working on with the entire congregation.
Well, I'm off.... lunch is cooking and I have so much to get done this afternoon!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A quick hello...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday's Tips
Rubbing a shower curtain rod with wax paper helps keep the metal hooks sliding without loud squeaks.
Rubbing those garden tools (or any tool really) with a bit of wax paper can help prevent rust spots from forming.
Using coffee filters to wipe down the glass and chrome in the bathroom will cut down on streaks.
Wrap baking soda in a couple of coffee filters and tie with a garbage tie to use as a deodorizer in closets, drawers and even the fridge in a pinch. ........ oh goodness, I just had a thought.... I need to try this on Travis' shoes.... place one in each of his shoes at night.... that would cut down on a lot of that smell!!! I'm so excited! Gonna try it tonight!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Busy in the Lord's work....
I love how our congregation gets together and really works to make Youth Rally weekend so successful. Everyone pitching in to make sure even the smallest or dirtiest of jobs get done.
We are so blessed by our church family!
Now that the Youth Rally is behind us we are now focused on the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes
Convention that is coming up in less than 2 weeks. The kids have all worked so hard on their speeches, song leading, art work and bible knowledge. We are looking forward to enjoying a weekend focused on our younger generation and them learning to step into roles for the future.
Please pray for us as we continue to seek out ways for service in the Lord's work!
Well, I'm off to catch up on some work around here today....
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wenesday's Word ~ A quiet spirit
I have often heard stories of my Grandmother (my dad's mother) and her gentle and quiet spirit.... how she submitted to my Grandfather in matters and how she was seen as a wonderful example to her children and grandchildren..... I loved to sit at her feet as a young person and listen to her stories of growing up, meeting my Grandfather, and having children. And although many people would have passed her stories up as boring, or menial I found myself transfixed by the way she looked at even the simplest of things. Even years after my Grandfather had passed away she was completely devoted in heart to him and that came out each and every time she spoke about him. Her love of God was such a pillar that is shone through everything she did. Her home was a place of peace and was always full of welcoming love. Her simple dress and simple lifestyle is such a blessed memory.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Its Youth Rally time!
I am looking forward to be a part of this ministry once again this year. Our children look forward to this event each year! It is such a blessing to see so many youth gather to hear God's word. Travis will be taking on new responsibility this year as he has been asked to help with the men that oversee the parking lot. I think its great that he is stepping into responsible roles. Mia and Amaris will help with greeting everyone. I have also been blessed with being able to be off work for the Youth Rally.... its my weekend off and my boss let me off the second half of the day on Friday to help prepare for it!
This is a big rally... we start feeding everyone at 6PM on Friday then after supper and fellowship we have a wonderful time of singing and a devotional. Several congregations stay overnight (we have a campground that we use close by.) Then Saturday morning we feed everyone a big breakfast (yes, including Chocolate Gravy!) and then have classes, singings, and devotionals throughout the day... we feed them a good lunch and an afternoon snack before the final session and send everyone off hoping they have been blessed. I know I get a blessing from it!
Please pray for our Youth Rally ... that souls will be reached, touched and that we are a blessing to all that come!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Looking forward to company!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Busy Sunday...
I'm teaching Sunday Morning Bible Class this quarter ... I have the 5th and 6th graders... great bunch of kids! So we try to get to the building early so I have time to set up the class from Wednesday night. Services were good. And we had the adult leaders pictures this morning after services for our Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes scrap book to take. We decided to take Amaris out for an early Birthday lunch so we headed to the Junkyard Dog (local .... and great food!) Then I ran to the store to pick up a few things I've been needing to organize my desk and files. I have worked on that some and thought I might stop to visit the blogland. ...... Later, while the kids are at practice for LLL speeches I will be moving tables & chairs in our Christian Service center to do a good clean tomorrow. Busy, busy, busy......
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Heart's Garden
You know, the last couple of harvest seasons I have had the opportunity to work apples and pears. Just one tree gives such a bountiful harvest of fruit. And it always amazes me that the whole tree full of apples/pears came from a tiny seed. Eric's grandfather didn't really know how much fruit would come from those seeds...but he had faith enough to plant them, work them, and hope for a good harvest. And year after year..... harvest after harvest the trees bear fruit...... all from one seed.
Our lives are that way too. God's Word is that seed... and if we plant it, work it and let it bear the fruit in our lives..... what a wonderful harvest! God sees the fruit our lives bear in His name... our children.... our children's children... or that person who has watched us in silence... or a chance encounter that we may not think much about... but God can use us to bear fruit and in turn... that fruit can bear more fruit. How awesome it is to know that He sees all the fruit from one seed.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday's Fixins ~ Cucumber Salad
1 cup mayo or salad dressing
1/4 cup sugar
4 tsp vinegar
1/2 tsp dill weed
1/2 tsp salt (optional)
4 medium cucumbers
3 green onions - chopped
Peel and slice cucumbers. Mix with the chopped onions and set aside. In a large mixing bowl combine the rest of the ingredients mixing well. Toss in the cucumbers and onions. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour. Serve cold.
My kiddos love this! Thanks to my cousin Jalana over at A Writer's Garden Spot for this recipe years ago! (And glad you have started blogging too my dear!)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thankful Thursday
1. The sounds and sights that Spring is upon us... I sit here listening to the songs of various birds in the early morning.... such a wonderful sound!
2. The thoughfulness of my mom.... who is letting me use her new car to drive for a while.... since the weather has been wet, cold or unpredictable... and the truck was in the shop... it was nice not to either get Eric up early or catch a ride to work.
3. Jed, who every time I come through the door ... at lunch or at the end of the day... runs to greet me with a giant hug!
Thank You, Lord for blessing my life!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wednesday's Word ~
Thank You, Lord for going to great lengths to let us know Your will.
Where is the Kleenex???
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
The work week calleth...
Monday, March 08, 2010
Monday's Musings ~ What is a Soul-Mate?
Friday, March 05, 2010
Friday's Fixin's ~ Chocolate Peanut Cake
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Wednesday's Word ~ His Will in our lives.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Monday's Musings....
God is dealing with me on this.... you know.... following His will for my life. Being obedient to Him... serving Him where He puts me. But I grumble... I argue .... I say to God... are you sure you really want me for this???? Sounds like I've been taking lessons from Jonah.... huh?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Working on Saturdays...
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday's Fixin's ~ Cooking with no Refrigerator
The Latest Family Picures
All of us together.... these were taken at the Natchez Trace park.
We had planned to go out for these pictures and the morning of we woke to much colder temps than what had been during the week.... we just about froze taking these pics!!
We kept the Suburban going .... got out took a few pictures ... got back in to warm up and then back out to take a few more. It was funny!
I am planning on taking more in a few more weeks..... just before the weather warms enough for snakes and such to start creeping out..... I will post them when we get them made.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Date Night
So yesterday was our double date.... we left around 3:30 and had a great time. Dinner was great. And when we got to the theater and before the movie started we found out that the director (David Nixon) was there along with the family that inspired the movie. There were also music artists there that had written a song for the movie and sound track... way cool! The movie was heart touching and I encourage everyone to go see it when it comes out. ...... Letters to God in theaters April 9th.
Thanks again to David and Heather for going with us.... we had so much fun!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday Musings...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday's Fixin's
For my Friday's Fixn's post I wanted to tell all about a system here at the house that we are working on... since I now work until 6 (sometimes after) I'm not much for cooking dinner after a long day... Eric and Mia have been the main cooks the last year ... with occasional help from Travis and Amaris... but we are using the Google Calendar to set up a menu plan that we can use to help .... Eric and Mia are good cooks but often have a problem deciding what to fix so this way they can have it planned out. First I asked everyone to list some of their favorite dinners (both favorite to eat and to fix because everyone is going to be helping more) and I am trying to get the recipes/tips for the meal in the description area of the calendar event. They may not always use it but they will have something that they can fall back on if they cannot think of anything to fix. This should also help Eric out with the grocery shopping as well since he now does most of that too! We can set the menu to repeat monthly so I only really had to come up with 31 meals to begin with but on some days there are 2 meals listed so that they can take their pick. This is still in the works for us but I thought it might be a good tip.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Goodness....It really has been a while!
My last post was pretty much about Travis and Mia getting ready to head off to Russia... well they have been and are back! I believe the trip was a success in many ways (I know it really had a profound effect on them and on their faith) and they are already talking about going back! (During a warmer part of the year! LOL!!!)Thank You, Erik and Adrianne for opening up not only your home, but your lives to them for this opportunity! They have had so many stories to tell and so much to share about their trip it has been wonderful to hear about it all...
They also have been invited to join another missionary family in American Samoa. My children, the world travelers for Christ!
Our lives around here have gotten in pretty much a routine after me being a work for nearly a year now... I tend to come home exhausted after a long day and I have to thank my husband and children for taking such great care of me! Eric is now in charge of the house and I have to say that he does a pretty good job! I really have not had to worry about much at all since I've gone back to work. I miss being able to be at home .... coming up with menus, daily tasks to be done, and being with the kids ..... but it all has worked out and I have found contentment in being outside the home too! I have to say that I have been blessed in that area... working in a field that I love... I have a good boss... I'm a ten minute walk to work......need I say more?
The new year has come and gone and we are looking forward to what God has in store for us this year. We are getting ready for the Youth Rally at Lomax in just a few weeks and are getting prepared for the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes Convention coming up on Easter weekend. This year we know God's blessings are just raining down on our family!
Well, I know this is not that detailed or long, but I must get back to making lunch (we are celebrating my mother's birthday today).
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
(I do plan on being back here more often now!)